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  1. J

    Section 2

    Hey but it didnt have to be the central theme of the story or whatever text type you wrote. The central theme was a journey of discovery and thats what you get marked on. As long as you put that quote as your first sentence and integreated it properly in the intro, then thats no problems. It's...
  2. J

    Wessta 2006

    Hi everyone Just wanted to know if anyone has the extended response questions for this paper or from any other paper (except CSSA) thanks
  3. J

    Russia And Soviet Union

    Hey wasnt there a quesiton in the cssa trial on the soviet foreign policy?
  4. J

    CSSA Trial Results

    Yeh I got Multiple: 18/20 Short Answer: 38/40 Objectvie Essay: 16/20 Protection: 19/20 91% But we did this as a pretrial and our real trial was one from the EBE association (economics business education) and it was much much harder. Alot of relating to do, compared to the catholic one
  5. J


    But stalin is only remembered because he had lead through more signficant times e.g the cold war thats why we no so much about him. But in terms of the period where Trotsky was, he was by far more remembered, he was a much better speaker, and yes he did try and get power in the end but that was...
  6. J

    Generalised Questions???

    HERE TROTSkyites, here is some info, there is nothing anywhere on this I have been doing alot of work on this question, and the main points you need to show are what are his ideals and how they go way beyond his self interest For example. In the early beginnings he wrote and editedmany...
  7. J


    I have been doing alot of work on this question, and the main points you need to show are what are his ideals and how they go way beyond his self interest For example. In the early beginnings he wrote and editedmany newspapers such as the Iskra and the Prava, Why did he do this becuase of his...
  8. J

    New IR Reforms

    Yes because all power of IR has been givern to the federal government now Thanks
  9. J

    New IR Reforms

    Hi I am currently doing this section in the Labour Market chapter for HSC Economics: Labour market policies • current industrial relations framework – safety net, wage cases, enterprise bargaining, workplace agreements, individual contracts – role of the courts...
  10. J

    NEW 2006 Syllabis Trotsky Question

    Hi Like everyone doing Modern History we are currently studying the new syllabis. With the personality section, as from the specimen paper, it is broken up into two parts. First part worth 10 marks just wants students to outline his role to prominance. However it is the second part which is...
  11. J

    People who arent right for you.

    better to grow your love into someone than to think they're perfect at first but have to see their flaws.