My favourite albums are amnesiac and HTTT. Favourite songs are 'like spinning plates', 'We suck young blood', cuttooth, and every other song they have written. Thoms songs with PJ Harvey and UNKLE were good too, and they were great live.
Name: David
Greece 800-500BC
Greece 500- 440BC
I usually like Ancient too, but when I try to do it when i'm not in the mood (like now) it can get booooring.
I didnt read the entire thread but its a little disturbing for me, I do distance ed. and PB authoured the HSC Ancient History course. The vast majority of text i read for the subject is by her.
I found the multiple choice, lifestyle chem (cept the last one about how much oil) and bionics questions easy, but thought the elective and information systems questions really hard.