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    summer school

    SS office? is that the student office near Carslaw?\ So i can fill out a feehelp form even if i'm a HECS student? Do i do this when they have confirmed my enrolment?
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    summer school

    yeah, but thats only for full-fee paying students isnt it?
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    summer school

    can you defer the cost to HECS?
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    summer school

    okay then, so what going happen, are they going to add the failed unit to next semester timetable(cos im pretty sure its not s prereq), do i need to do anything to my next years enrolment?speak to anybody? and also, summer school fees are like double of what you would pay normally hey?like if...
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    summer school

    has anyone failed an unit and is applying for summer school? is it worth the extra 1200 bucks(depending the course) with 100 dollars late fee(the last round of offers) to pass the failed unit? or overload next semester. but how does it acutally work when you fail the unit, does it roll over...
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    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    Chem 1102b results so what did people get in organic chem?
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    Resident evil 4-ps2

    has anyone played this game yet? its freaking awesome. graphisc and gameplay are really superb.
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    Professional liabilities

    Hi, im looking for a news article on Professional liability, if anyone seen one please post a thread or suggest a topic, thanx
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    PlayStation Portable (PSP)

    its on ebay for 350 value pack, jap version
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    Being a waitor

    i want to be a waiter, except i dont have any experience, and you cant get any experience without being one first.............. :(
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    Kung Fu Hustle

    yeahhh, the lead actress in it was really hot.....
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    Being a waitor

    Do you people reckon its hard to work as a waitor? like in a restaurant?
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    engineer anthem

    I just found this poem , its worth a read for engineers ENGINEERING ANTHEM (Sung to the tune of "John Brown’s Body") We are, we are, we are, we are, we are the Engineers, We can, we can, we can, we can, we can demolish forty beers. Drink rum, drink rum, drink rum, drink rum, drink...
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    Napoleon Dynamite

    the dance scene at the end is well worth the watch :)
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    1 Item you want to last forever.

    leatherjacket lasts you a lifetime............
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    1 Item you want to last forever.

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    OZ, where is OZ there you mate, find your episode there
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    KFC vs Maccas

    jeez, and i thought those maccas tv ads boasting how good their employees are true......
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    What are your favourite TV shows? (merged)

    Battlestar Galactica and OZ and LOST
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    OZ, where is OZ

    i think tid gets killed later on trying to protect Said from Vern's men