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  1. N

    Saw V

    Isn't that rather contradictory? If the plot is sensible, the gore isn't going to be senseless. That's one of the reasons why I have continued to watch Saw, it isn't just about blood for blood, it's about blood for a message.
  2. N

    How many words for eco essay?

    Depends on how much of the 800 words is bs and how much is sustained answer of the question. I always go: Extended 1, Short Answer, Extended 2, MC
  3. N

    Hooking up after Oral sex

    After a drink and a good 15 minute time lapse, I think it's alright. That works both ways, even though it's not something you're really dying to do. You realise that anything in the form of saliva/liquid (ie: come) stays in the persons mouth for an extended period anyways, right...
  4. N

    Not finish the paper?

    Depending on what you were doing (ie: perfect circle, curious traveller) it's possible to get away with not writing a conclusion. Also, it's quality over quantity. Lots of trials in my area only had 1,2,3 page long creatives but they used technique and related to journeys well so they scored well.
  5. N

    TVET Accounting.

    Still haven't got my ranges. Definitely not happy about that. Overall I think I went well. Teacher/s were very impressed with work ethic/memory/knowledge.
  6. N

    Answers to General Maths Exam

    Those workers get $25 an hr. With the hours they work... Not too shabby, as far as things could go.
  7. N

    Poll : Raw Marks

    No idea how I went in individual sections its been that long. As long as I match/beat trial mark (86) I'll be happy.
  8. N

    Answers to General Maths Exam

    Gah! So stupid! For the alcohol question (Ques23c) I said: i) 5.5/100 = 0.055 0.055*160 = 8.8% 375/100 = 3.75 3.75*8.8 = 33mL I guess I was kind of looking at it that a standard drink is 5.5% and that the drink had 1.6 standard drinks and figured out the percent of alcohol that it...
  9. N

    Q26 - Distribution strategies

    I have no idea how I'll go but.. I kind of morphed into the report methods of international expanision (ie: licensing/franchising/exporting) with intense, selective and exclusive distribution and then discussed selling to agents as apposed to individual consumers. Then I discussed what...