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  1. babyslug

    average joe 2

    in AJ 2, the joes are a helluva lot uglier than the first episode, aren't they?
  2. babyslug

    Uni Invoices

    i'm confused. Lets get back to christine and eugene. Haahah, like peepee, i'm a voyeur! No, really i'm not. What's going on, guys? i feel like i'm missing out!
  3. babyslug

    Blink Concert Next Week!!!

    Yeah it was all over the radio
  4. babyslug

    songs your obssessing over

    Yeah i know that Nickelback are gonna be here in May - I SO WANNA SEE THEM! I'm also beginning to grow a taste for Pete Murray - Lines and So Beautiful.
  5. babyslug

    Serial Killers

    He was never caught - and he's still on the loose today, however cops think he's been put in jail for a petty crime. They actually thought he was the Washington Sniper at one stage - i'm not sure how they thought that... Women killers...Eileen Wournos and there was a couple (man/woman) that...
  6. babyslug

    Piercings and Tattoos

    I have braces - i don't think i have anything wrong with my speech. In actual fact i've had braces twice. Oh - well i guess i spit a fair bit when i talk.
  7. babyslug

    Triple M Freqs!!

    I'm a freq - just new at it, and i have 2500 points so far, i quite like it, getting all this free gear.
  8. babyslug

    Cars and Sex Poll

    i can't get past 2nd gear on my bike in town
  9. babyslug

    Piercings and Tattoos

    I haven't done any adjudicating - friends have though, i think it'd be real hard.
  10. babyslug

    How HUGE is the Workload?!

    yeah, it already seems like if you fall behind, it'll be a domino affect.
  11. babyslug

    Inexperienced lecturers

    I have some really young student tutors for crim and for psych, but they're really really good. I have no problems - OH I STAND CORRECTED! I hate that social policy lecturer, dear god...
  12. babyslug

    UWS is great !

    hahaha, it seems that way, dunnit jon!
  13. babyslug

    Uni Invoices

    OOOOH!! EUGENE AND CHRISTINE SITTING IN A TREE! K.I.S.S.I.N.G!! hahah! this is funny!
  14. babyslug

    Triple M Freqs!!

    Are you a triple m freq? Have you claimed any funky prizes?! Not a freq? Join today!
  15. babyslug

    songs your obssessing over

    someday - nickelback time is running out - muse
  16. babyslug

    average joe 2

    She looks evil!
  17. babyslug

    Average Joe

    hey that would be interesting - ending up with no one.
  18. babyslug

    Piercings and Tattoos

    Yeah, i had a big public speaking background back in highschool, i'd hate to forfeit my perfect speech for a little metal stud which i can get else where ;)
  19. babyslug

    Serial Killers

    sorry, it could be
  20. babyslug

    Serial Killers

    That's right, he also taunted the police with clues and letters, cards, maps of where he'd kill next and forced them to post his letters in the newspaper. The codings were worked out by two school teachers, its really fascinating stuff - check out the link (i think thats it)