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  1. N


    ... Well, I talked with my teacher about it afterwards and she said that most students prob can't to both ancient and modern well maybe the marks will be impressed that you can do both???? I did mainly modern but then used ancient sources to show a minor contrast....
  2. N


    It was pretty good, not as bad as I thought it would be considering I knew hardly anything and I GOT MY PERIOD IN THE MIDDLE OF THE EXAM!!!! Only problem is for the question on Ramesside period on religion, I only wrote 4 pages cos I ran out of time....who else did that question??? If so what...
  3. N

    harder than trial?

    Yeah I thought it was easier than the cath trial too -- but I walked out of there thinking sweet as and did shit.....I feel a little better about this one -- but still, can't shake that feeling that I'm being over confident. I desperately want 65+
  4. N


    well said......I agree.
  5. N

    who else did not finish

    Evie -- the thread Yes or No is all about that question -- the majority have said that he didn't have enough money so far..... I hope it's right, 4 marks was like the most allocated to a single question.
  6. N


    Yeah I emailed about this, I have the exam but unfortunately I don't have a scanner either.... :( Awww.....oh and I do remember almost all of my answers, oh and because I took the paper home most of my working was done on the paper first so I have basically an exact copy of my working out...
  7. N


    I know it's a bit quick, but just wondering whether we get solutions like the 2Unit maths people??? It would soooooooooo much appreciated!
  8. N

    Yes Or No

    HEY KAZ!!!!! That's is EXACTLY (well maybe not I don't remember, but extremely close) what I got.....I used the compound interest formula for each amount for the three years, after each year adding the 2500 and then doing the compound formula again.
  9. N

    Yes Or No

    hahaha *LMAO* thanks for bringing a smile to my face :D
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    who else did not finish

    I finished with seriously less than a minute to's always multiple choice that gets you because they're pretty easy so you catch yourself thinking and re-checking coz you're like, pffft that was way too easy, I must've done something wrong.
  11. N

    Yes Or No

    In question 28 part (iv) -- did Toby save enough to achieve his plans?? Me and my friend had conflicting answers to this, just wanted to relieve my mind.
  12. N

    Cold War

    sweeeeeeet.......thanks for that. Yeah I just realised that I didn't talk about stupid Batista and the sugar thing with the trade embargo -- dammit. Hope that wasn't a major part.....oh well besides that and leni the paper was really good.
  13. N

    Cold War

    I dunno, don't want to stress out here but did anyone do part (a) of the Cold War section?? If so, did you find that when speaking of your crisis....well I guess it depends on what crisis you had....but you wrote less than the other sections. My crisis was the Cuban Missile Crisis and I...