Search results

  1. G

    deleting 62000 rar's from desktop

    run -> cmd type in 'del *.rar' then press y
  2. G

    Bush asks Rice for permission to go to the 'little boys room' Is so.
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    Taste but don't swallow?
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    Bush asks Rice for permission to go to the 'little boys room'
  5. G

    MQ Open Day 2005

    Ah. 'Twasn't you then.
  6. G

    What will happen with Telstra?

    And in other news today...
  7. G

    What will happen with Telstra?

    Ugh. It just went ahead. Evil, evil filibustering.
  8. G

    MQ Open Day 2005

    What time where you stallin'?
  9. G

    MQ Open Day 2005

    For those that where at the open day, you may remember one of the tents near the E7B building a (mq?) student was running a survey about a down turn in students picking science type courses, etc. The survey was two pages, and required some thought to complete. A reward for fulling out this...
  10. G

    What the bleep do we know?

    My bio teacher loves it--I'm interested in seeing it. :)
  11. G

    New Schoolies Picture Gallery

    Haha. You are confused.
  12. G

    mj and skittled

    Stalking is all fun and games until someone realises that they are now on a federal wash-list, and must get cleaned out at once. They remind me of Aeneas and Dido 'cept well, not ending so tragically. MJ, when Mercery reminds Skittled that he has to continue his mission, don’t do anything...
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    BOS Goths

    What's with her expression? Did she just eat a trippy clam?
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    New Orleans cover-up: Toxic chemicals in flood waters

    First this, and next the T-Virus. Darn you Umbrella!
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    Byron Bay

    I have the japanse symbol for 'pretentious wanker' on my eyelid. It keeps me happy.
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    SXcIeSt BrAnD

    I vote for whoever pays me enough.
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    BOS Goths

    I'm more of a BoS Visigoth.
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    guys with a comb over...

    Oh! Oh! Oh! No.
  19. G

    New Schoolies Picture Gallery

    Yes, but what exists for your average patrician? What options do you have for us! End the opression!
  20. G

    pale skin or fake tan?

    Natural is always hawter.