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  1. Seraph

    Is 14 Units Suicide?

    LOOK i know this kinda unrelated just dont drop to 10 i mean .. if you do CONSIDER IT Cause its like walking on the edge of a cliff, seriously it sucks so hard when 8 of the units you are kicking butt in and the last 2 units you are failing or just passing 10 units is suicide...
  2. Seraph

    HSC Equipment

    Speaking of equipment.. acutally nto really but you know how we need our student no , can we bring that HSC certificate of achievement in.. since it has our student no , or do we just write it down on a paper and bring it in? they better not be tight-asses "omg no papers , too bad you shouldve...
  3. Seraph

    Section 1

    aye its interesting what JONO says for the explain type questions Global Statement Purpose Technique Effect on audinece GLobal statement ? The technique used is blah? Purpose: the composer has used this technique to convey "this aspect of the story...." Technique: "baa black block...
  4. Seraph

    Practice Questions for Creative Writing?

    aye for this section or ifnact any SECTION can someone clarify this for me Reflective essay... personal opinions , thoughts on a parituclar subject... or if its creative writing .. on a particular event.. our thoughts right? Informal Letter uhh like a letter to a mate , colloquial...
  5. Seraph

    Do you start from question 1 or question 3??

    im having doubts about 321 now because lets think about it with 132 When we write the short responses , our hand really isnt going to get wasted we would probably be flicking back through pages quickly , writng flicking etc.. .. secondly the advantage of using the reading time to read all...
  6. Seraph

    anti's Guide to Writing Creatively

    yea thats what i try to do.... so it is an okay idea??? cool :D although sometimes the stimulus you get doesn't favour this idea lol .... but good if i can use it , Logix , if its like in a particular room , its very easy.... but if its out in the open it gets a bit harder unless...
  7. Seraph

    anti's Guide to Writing Creatively

    Oh and another thing do you think this is a good idea for a creative writing piece or will the teachers just get psised off Okay like we are writing from a perspective of an object , and we dont reveal this until right at the end..... ??? so its a skewed perspective.. i mean its different isnt...
  8. Seraph

    How long is too long?

    mine is 1300 , way too long but in the test because i have to adapt the essay to the question i will find myself misisgn out parituclar stuff on purposes and it will surely cut my essay down........ Furthermore if i leave out one related material that cuts my essay down nicely but still...
  9. Seraph

    You Want Help On Speeches???

    how was it recieved in the various contexts... (the various periods of time) e.g obviously Socrates speech in its historical context was not recieved well . I mean come on they put the guy to death...... because all the people cared about then was their materialistic possessions but now to...
  10. Seraph

    Section 1

    i would say a stimulus could be a combination of different type of journey's? and yea , beyond physical inner or imaginative would be stuff like understanding discovery .. being ambitious etc?
  11. Seraph

    Do you start from question 1 or question 3??

    3 1 2 Your hand is fresh , you are gonna write your essay like crazy , you need good writing this is why I start with the last section I go on to question 1 because i know i dont spend as much time on it on the other sections , however reading here is always a problem..... THe last...
  12. Seraph

    how many additional texts for AOS???

    if thats truly the case i will use 2 however, time is always a factor... i would say use 1 if time isn't on your side
  13. Seraph

    Section 1

    I know no one really talks about this section in the AOS paper , but i think it is quite underestimated does anyone have any tips for this section....... i'll give one .. id probably do this section SECOND also the so called "innocous" question , Identify the type of Journey being...
  14. Seraph

    Creative Writing: Ideas and Inspiration

    this may work for some people okay obviously we cannot mindfuck a story and remember it and produce it ... i mean well we can but geez the stimulus could be anythign the question could eb ANYTHING , its not like an essay but we can still remember partiuclar ideas and the general strucutres...
  15. Seraph

    Speeches (Module B)

    Lmao Pierce Neilson :D Btw , im 99% sure the compulsary speaker will not be Abraham Lincoln :D
  16. Seraph

    Memorising bus. essays

    huh? Like memorising an english essay? how on earth would you do that the last question can be totally random!
  17. Seraph

    trading block = free trade agreement = regionalism

    Hmmmm can someone help me differentiate between these things regionalism is when more coutnries join in already established trading blocs? trading blocs is when a group of countries join together to intiate free trade etc etc with the exclusion of other countries and a free trade...
  18. Seraph

    Methods of payments

    Starting from Least Risk for an Exporter to Most Risk 1. Prepayment - explained above 2. Letter of Credit - lyk a document that means the importers bank MUST send the money to the exporter and all the exporter has to do is provide proof of shipment. 3.Clean payment - this is wierd as...
  19. Seraph

    write on every second line?

    omg that is so slack....
  20. Seraph

    Important Links

    well well i only discovered this thread and the james ruse papers lets see 5 days before the HSC Wonderful I am now going to go and cut my feet off and feed into my the next door cat in spoons