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  1. Bunny04

    SkOoLiEs in BALI!!

    yeah i know, he meant like later- but still.. The main tourist part of Bali was closed. You don't necessairly want to travel outside the 'tourist' boundries.. trust me lol
  2. Bunny04


    most are patrolled yes.. apart from reclused beaches and the beginning of december- usually late november marks the beginning of the 'Total Fire Ban' season. In some parts of NSW it started today- and i'm pretty sure sydney fell under it today as well- because of the rather hot weather today...
  3. Bunny04

    SkOoLiEs in BALI!!

    Exactly, do you want to risk it. and as a matter of fact, Shops and Beaches today /are/ closed- the only thing remaining open in fact is the airport. The shops/beaches have been turned into makeshift hospitals and its housing the injured as well as the packed out hospitals. Workers are...
  4. Bunny04

    SkOoLiEs in BALI!!

    Yeah, spend schoolies in bali- Cheap arse acommidation, closed beaches and closed shops! sounds like fun! Everywhere you go cops surrounding the place. More dangerous than anywhere to go right now.
  5. Bunny04

    Blasts rip through Bali again

    why Bali? Australians. - If it was aimed at australians like the First 2002 bombings were supposebly based on. (well the aust. govt and Bush seemed to think so) Tourists... mainly American and a large portion of Australian tourists flock their- its like the home away from home thing. Too...
  6. Bunny04

    Blasts rip through Bali again

    God damnit.. more attacks, my cousins over there.. meep. This wont end.. with the war supposebly 'on terror' this will never end, and its been made clear, its only a matter of time for when the next will be. Shit, these attacks... meep.
  7. Bunny04

    how do you get your answers in the bos sample ans.

    When you do each and every single exam - you must fill out a form - a little blue form with your student number etc. At the end of the form there is a privacy disclosure statement.. You can tick it and say that you will give your exams to the BOS for use in the sample booklets, or you may leave...
  8. Bunny04

    Rooster and ochres interpretation

    In Core Appreciation in the HSC course, students have the opportunity to study specific choreographers and prescribed works from the past 200 years. Students apply the knowledge, skills and understanding gained from analysis, writing and criticism to the in-depth study of on two prescribed...
  9. Bunny04

    What are you currently Reading?

    Notes From a Small Island- Bill Bryson.
  10. Bunny04

    stupid game!

    Well if you got it from an EB Games Shop- you can take it back, (if you bought it under 7 days ago.. and i think its like 2 weeks for faulty games) Try another copy.. otherwise you might have to unistall Both Sims 2 and Uni Expansion Packs.. Try RE-installing Sims 2 Then Nightlife, then Uni...
  11. Bunny04

    Core Appreciation 2006

    aww, they've changed it ^.^;; Actually come to think of it.. i can't remember my dances... oh yesh.. Agnes De Mille/ Martha Graham.. 1950's and Alvin Ailey woot yeah! i can still remmeber :P
  12. Bunny04

    The Sydney Conservatorium Students Thread

    Yup- i went to the saturday concert.. cause i had to play in the con symph just before.. tee hee, you liked ^.^ kool!! :D twas a hard program for le strings lol ^.^ damn schubert.. -grumbles-
  13. Bunny04

    SRC Elections 2005

    Dear god... Ok, i /would/ vote for someone.. but i'm at home.. can't go into Uni today.. so mahaah.. I'm not voting for anyone.. even if i wanted to you don't /have/ to vote do ya ? O.o
  14. Bunny04

    excuses not to come into work

    i took a couple of days of work for a swollen eye. (well eyelid actually)
  15. Bunny04

    audition/theory test 4 the con

    ohh okies.. hmm thats quite large ^.^;;
  16. Bunny04

    The Sydney Conservatorium Students Thread

    Tom as in Tom Woods? dude thats weird. Meh.. Yeah, i know SYO has always been kinda good- i was in it two years ago, but quit for SBS and then back to SYO in 06 (i think)
  17. Bunny04

    audition/theory test 4 the con

    whoa 800? Crikey.. its going to be big.. whoa. ok.. how many is there this y ear?
  18. Bunny04

    audition/theory test 4 the con

    Depending on which instrument you play/ wish to audition for. - you can check the website for perscribed/ compulsory pieces: here is the link to the requirments for auditions...
  19. Bunny04

    The Sydney Conservatorium Students Thread

    Kool ^.^ ahh.. I think i might come back to SYO, i feel like re-joining it lol ^^
  20. Bunny04

    Two Unit Surfing as HSC course?

    don't get me wrong, It sounds fun.. and i personally love surfing.. But as a HSC course... i think its rather pathetic. Classes in Byron Bay are able to do it.. If other school want to.. they must apply... and have "Community Support" - that just totally diminishes all effects of the...