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  1. Always

    the 'I HATE SUPRE' thread

    I'm browsing through Supre's site and so far, I can't believe how ugly, cheap and nasty some of the clothes are. I don't think some of the prices can be considered "cheap" at all. $80 for this.. dress? I have nothing against a short skirt, but the combination of the colour, length...
  2. Always

    losing weight?

    .......? I'm not sure what your point is. Where did I say, or even imply that Catwalk is obese? Refering back to what I said before, people who want to lose weight will usually have relatively high fat storage. That does not mean they are obese, but it does mean that they have a high percentage...
  3. Always

    losing weight?

    That's what textbooks will tell you, but in the weight-loss world, it's not true. Most people who want to lose weight will have a relatively high fat storage, so their bodies will more willingly utilise fat as a source of energy. Yes, a little muscle tissue will be lost but it will be worth it...
  4. Always

    Do you prefer to be overdressed or underdressed?

    I'm usually more "done" than most people in terms of hair and makeup but I keep my outfits fairly casual and simple. However, if I were to go out of the house with ugly hair and bad makeup but a dressy outfit, I'd still feel self-conscious and underdressed, because *I* look un-groomed.
  5. Always

    losing weight?

    Judging from your diet, *wbg*, you should definitely be losing weight. This leads me to believe that you're currently in a weight loss plateau. Your body is resisting further weight loss because you've pushed it too far. If you want me to explain this further, just ask. I think you should...
  6. Always

    losing weight?

    It doesn't taste terrible, but I can't say it tastes great on it's own. Cucumbers soaked in ACV tastes good though. :) Yes, either buy it from the supermarket or health food stores. In spite of all that, I don't think anyone should depend on ACV to get rid of fat. That website has...
  7. Always

    losing weight?

    Up the neg. cal. foods intake. Google "negative calories", I can't be bothered explaining it. Make acquaintances with apple cider vinegar. Drink a tablespoon (dilute it with water if you wish) before a big meal. It will suppress your appetite and do amazing things to fat and protein. You...
  8. Always


    $40 for a Toni & Guy cut AND colour? Times that by 5, maybe..
  9. Always

    Fat arms

    The word "stretch" suggests lengthening or extending, does it not? "Stretching" has been given that name for a reason, don't you think? ;)
  10. Always

    Did I burn my hair?

    Was your hair slightly damp? Sometimes my hair "burns" when I'm in a rush and my hair's not quite dry when I curl/straighten it. I agree with Lainee on hair treatments. Matthew James Deep Moisture treatment is good, and not too expensive either. Put a treatment in tomorrow and see how you go.
  11. Always


    I use an Emjoi Gently Gold Caress. It's cordless which is really handy and works well imo. Looks good as well which is a bonus.
  12. Always

    "Don't go to the cosmetics counter without me!" book

    There is a lot of truth in what she has to say but what may look good on paper and what should work in theory, may not satisfy everyone's skin type. Take her advice with a grain of salt, I say. Trial and error is the best way. I actually happen to love Jurlique but hate her line (Paula's...
  13. Always

    Fat arms

    I've always been told stretching helps to elongate muscles (?) which is why I stretch religiously every morning. Also, in my pilates class, we stretch after each "set" and I've always assumed that was to stop muscle bulking in one area. Perhaps I've been misled.
  14. Always

    Boxing Day Sales

    I <3 <3 <3 THE OUTFIT YOU POSTED WITH THE KH DRESS ON THE OTHER THREAD. I was about to post another bum outfit but stopped when I read that. And thanks, I will have fun shopping tomorrow. :D
  15. Always

    Boxing Day Sales

    Right now I'm fucking dead tired but am itching to go shopping tomorrow. So jealous of all your purchases. I have heaps of christmas money to burn as well. :D Can't waaaaiiiiiitttt
  16. Always

    Tongue or No Tongue?

    A kiss isn't a kiss without some tongue..
  17. Always


    I have a slight british accent left from my childhood ;), so nothing against british accents. It just didn't suit her role, imo. Also, did anyone notice her child character's american accent? Very ironic, I thought. A good little girl with an american accent grows up to be a bounty hunter...
  18. Always

    Fat arms

    The muscle build-up will be concentrated in one area, hence the "chunky" look. If you stretch well, it helps to elongate your muscles giving you a leaner look.
  19. Always

    Your SC marks vs your HSc marks which did you do better in ?

    91 is excellent! What was your internal mark?
  20. Always

    Cho Chang- Yay or Nay?

    I expected Cho to look more delicate and slender (not saying Katie Leung is fat). Katie Leung is cute, but average looking and not suited to the role.