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  1. pete_mate

    black screen.

    just slot in another graphics card and see if it works. if it does, then get a new one, they're cheap nowadays anyway
  2. pete_mate

    black screen.

    i had this problem, though it may have a differant cause to your's. My computer would be running fine, but the screen would go blank, it wasnt the screen itself turning off though. can you acess the screen adjustment screen (eg. brightness) from your monitor? if so, then the screen is...
  3. pete_mate

    Coles Myer Employment Process

    damnit, everyone keeps beating me in the test here, i'm going to apply again just so i can get a better score to make me feel better. heh, the idea of having to pick out shapes etc. is really quite ridiculous. they do work placement things for retarted/disabled people in woolworths...
  4. pete_mate

    The Woolworths Thread

    5% isnt a whole lot, you could probably pretend to be a real customer and negotiate less than that
  5. pete_mate

    To the guys... Would u care?

    i was in a similar situation. yet to top it off, she wanted to "take it slow" with me. that reeeally annoyed me, that she had been drunk off her face doing oe night stands and we were going out and she wanted to wait months. that crossed the line
  6. pete_mate

    Learner Driver help

    haha, that's unusual. when you get your green p's you start to get road rage, drive aggressively and park excellently.
  7. pete_mate

    How Does Your 2006 Tax Return Look?

    6000 x .15 = 900 less 100 in tax deductions you make up = 800
  8. pete_mate

    Chippin' in for Petrol and other Matters

    i bet none of you that are criticizing the sharing of the costs of petrol drive cars. He's doing you a favour by driving you home, the least you could do is cover some of the cost. you still get a lift home. My ex-girlfriend's parents had given her a car, yet she was too lazy to get her...
  9. pete_mate

    How Does Your 2006 Tax Return Look?

    there's an excellent crikey article on it: tips from a former ATO auditor: "Although you must have receipts for claims in excess of $300, generally the ATO will not audit someone whose claims for deductions are under $1,000...
  10. pete_mate

    No motivation to succeed

    you will regret it for the rest of your life there'll always bve that feeling eating away at you, that you could have done better. whether you are a success or failure at life, but mainly if you fail.
  11. pete_mate

    How Does Your 2006 Tax Return Look?

    they dont even look at you if your deductions are less than 300. you dont even require receipts for less than 300. you should definately make some stuff up if your only getting 40 back
  12. pete_mate

    This is my story...who can help?

    you can't be bothered to write 2 pages? hell, it'd probably only stretch to one by the sound of you. if you cant write a resume then you restrict yourself to the shittest jobs around.
  13. pete_mate

    University courses.

    I know someone that fits "super mean/selfish/proud" quite well, and passed the UMAT. but he's really good at playing 2 instruments and i think they like that for surgeons.
  14. pete_mate

    ENRON: Skilling and Lay guilty

    Rene did one little bit of insider trading, which plenty of people do, yet its very difficult to prove. Kenny lay did far worse things. If we consider insider trading as essentially; "having an unfair advantage in a market" then the enron traders predicting the price of energy would rise (via...
  15. pete_mate

    ZOMG... Im now a Heffa.

    ontop of your accounting exam!
  16. pete_mate

    Accounting 1A Results

    abdul is being a fuckup i think. my friend who had 46/50 going into the exam had his mark show up as "46 (incomplete)" must've lost his paper. and i'd like to see my paper aswell, my mark is quite lower than i expected during exam.
  17. pete_mate

    Accounting 1A Results

    i only got 63 :( strange since i was getting 78 going into exam. guess i just fucekd the exam
  18. pete_mate

    Job Dilemma =/

    just tell him UTS > Macquarie
  19. pete_mate

    ENRON: Skilling and Lay guilty

    a proper audit would have made the shareprice plummet anyway, yes. But maybe this would have happened before a complete bankrupcy, if this was done early on, the damage would have been minimised. Instead employees and all investors in enron were taken for a ride. The financing is really...
  20. pete_mate

    Learner Driver help

    ahaha! this is why i always honk at learner drivers and overtake them