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    Advanced english

    USually a couple of weeks depending on your school and how long it takes to finish the AOS module of english, at my school we only have approximately 4-5 weeks.
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    Straight into Yr 12 or still finishing prelim next term?

    We're 4 topics behind in maths or something like that, other then that we've finished every other course and already started chem :)
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    Locus question

    P(x,y) A( 0,2) B(x,-2) PA=PB sqrt(x)^2+(y-2)^2=sqrt(x-x)^2+(y+2)^2 square both sides x^2+y^2-4y+4=y^2+4y+4 x^2=8y I think that's how it's done.
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    Recommended Texbooks/Study Guides for Preliminary HSC?

    Re: Math textbook with worked answers i believe
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    Chemistry Marathon 2007

    isnt it a?, i thought a molecule got elimintated, generally water, when condensation polymers formed.
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    Measurements Help

    i'm pretty sure w/v=g/100mL v/v=ml/100ml w/w=g/100g
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    Would they ask you to define the properties? e.g. why it's a good heat insulator.
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    How are 08's finding their Preliminary Year?

    Re: YEAR 11 was shit. Yes it was.
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    The best Chem books to learn adn study from for HSC

    ^ one of those and a dot points book :)
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    Penetrating Power

    ionisation energy? not entirely sure
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    dilemma: maths 2u or 3u [URGENT]

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    Changes to the Stage 6 Science syllabuses.

    :confused: Have these changes already been made?
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    The Parabola

    Eh isnt the directrix perpendicular to the axis of symmetry?
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    Year 11 Subjects.

    Lol yeah, it depends on the person as for me i enjoy physics but i've come to the conclusion that english just isnt the subject for me:mad1:
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    Rank in State?

    Lol harsh.
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    2U Mathematics .. arghh!

    I suppose you could probably get the year 11 cambridge book and only do the questions related to the 2unit syllabus since most of the book is, also due to the difficulty, if you can tackle the questions then it should improve your marks. Well that's what i would do if it was me in your place.:wave:
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    So unsw doesn't love you?

    So does UWS also only accept 200 people maximum ?:confused:
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    What HSC Subjects Are You Guys Doing?

    Maths-extension 2 English-Standard Physics Chemistry Information processes and technology :)
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    So unsw doesn't love you?

    Are UWS interviews just as competitive as UNSW?
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    Bored Of Studies

    Me, to all the above:bomb: