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  1. Andrew_Blackwel

    IT Defintitions

  2. Andrew_Blackwel

    Is it true?

    they are required to mark everything even notes so don't scribble them out
  3. Andrew_Blackwel

    Writing Styles

    I have read your response to question 22 and as winston has stated their are a lot of areas that need to be addressed. Firstly: Draft a user guide... A user guide should contain a number of things in it that help the user to understand what to do. They are more than one page in length and...
  4. Andrew_Blackwel

    Writing Extended Responses ?

    check my response in "Writing Styles"
  5. Andrew_Blackwel

    Writing Styles

    Make sure that you read the question carefully. It is important that you know what they are asking in the question b4 u begin. Study up on all the types of ways to prepare a report i.e. Memos business style letters or a database and even how to layout a spreadsheet. In the past they have...
  6. Andrew_Blackwel

    I.T Textbook

    They haven't given out band 6's in this subject becuase a student hasn't earnt one yet. Thats all. Somewhere in the communication between yourself and others you have turned it into some cospiracy theory. You can get one if you earn one no probs at all.
  7. Andrew_Blackwel

    Kewl websites to help u study

    Here are a few websites to look st to help u study that i found out. If u have any more then post a reply and we can create a big list. "worth having a lok at"
  8. Andrew_Blackwel

    what are we meant to study for IT

    Country chick you need to let us know what subjects you have studied this year so we can give you a clear path of study
  9. Andrew_Blackwel

    Learnt Anything?

    I wouldn't call myself cool I just try to be as helpful as I can
  10. Andrew_Blackwel

    Worth doing??????

    you do learn alot of skill based practical uses of computers such as knowing how to pull apart a computer. It is nationally recognised modules and you can go on to further study at TAFE and have recognition of prior learning. Which means that you could take months of you study time. Plus it can...
  11. Andrew_Blackwel

    Learnt Anything?

    I feel real sorry for all you guys. Its sound as though your teacher really suck. I hope that my students don't feel that way about my class.
  12. Andrew_Blackwel

    Stupid IT Teacher

    There is no way in hell that I would assume that students would have their own laser printer and know how to clean it.
  13. Andrew_Blackwel

    I.T Textbook

    I doubt that the teacher will have the independant paper on disk. They are pretty stricked with the copyright laws on that. The other comment i need to make is that it is a rumour that you will get scaled down howver from past experience what you see is what you get. Scaled marks or not this...
  14. Andrew_Blackwel

    I.T Textbook

    Im back in the office now so I can give you more details of the text books that i use to teach IT For definitions Computer Desktop Encyclopedia 9th edition over 15000 terms and a cd with another 5000 on it VCE information Technology Enterprise Skills by software publications Computer...
  15. Andrew_Blackwel

    is anyone else getting N awarded???

    The only way you can get an N award in this subject is if you haven't completed 70 hours of workplacement. All the competencies that you haven't done, you are deemed not yet competent.
  16. Andrew_Blackwel

    how da hell do ya study for IT

    I am assuming that you r studying 4 the HSC exam If we were in a perfect world then you would be demonstrating skills online in the exam not having to use a pen. Howver this is not the case and u need to study so my suggestion is. Study all of the theory that you teacher should have taught...
  17. Andrew_Blackwel

    I.T Textbook

    There are a number of text that I use to teach and you could gain access to. Ask you school to purchase or you could get them from any good book store that sells text not at work at the moment so i cant give you setails only titles "the fundamentals of system administration"...