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    MRI and NRI

    and also i got another question For medical physics, when studying MRI and other imaging techniques is it necesssary to know the nitty gritty details, like know everything in the textbook. or if you know the general ideas and able to tell the advantages and disavantages for each tecnique...
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    MRI and NRI

    MRI and NRI and Nucleons Does anyone know if these two imaging techniques are related? Magnetic resonance Imaging and Nuclear Resonance Imaging IS NRI part of MRI? just bit confused and also I dont understand the following(medical physics) -You can have a maximum of 2 protons...
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    need help on dot point from the acidic environment

    or you could say gas trapped in ice sheets in Antartica thousands of years ago was obtained and compared the amount of NO and SO of present days and there was a considerable increase
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    ADV english trouble

    that puts things in perspective... feeling better now. I got one more listening task and then the trials. got my fingers crossed
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    PHYSICS assignment

    Hi people erm i have assiggnment on medical physics(not a popular option) but anyway im having trouble of find right pictures for Xray catscan PET and MRI cos like i cant find diagnosis for thenm so if any of you got pictures for them, can you like send it to me or post it up? thanks
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    Chem assignment

    yea i sent my email to you in a private message
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    AES question

    yea i think so you are saying that if we can first identify one metal in the spectrums given(even though some of them may have same emission spectrums for certain color, they must have some color that doesnt match) after knowing one of the metal, used to unmatched spectrums to identify...
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    Final business assessment

    good stuff
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    Chem assignment

    (1)Chemical test available to determine levels and types of contaminants (2)Physical and chemical processes used to purify water (3)Chemical additives in the water and the reason for the presence of these additives for the first one. do I just regurgitate the book, where it explains...
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    AES question

    So, you are saying, with AES, you have multiple test results for a sample of heavy metals. Irradiate a wide range of spectrums at the sample and then obtain the results. some are absorbed, some are not. absorbed spectrums are the emission spectra. compare the results to the...
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    Sulfate content in lawn fertilizer

    dude, you got that from the 2003 HSC paper didnt you? all I did was finding the percentage if SO4 in 1 mol of BaSo4, and times that percentage to 1.8 g(amount so4) then divide it over 1 g and you get the percentage. i think that is the right way. i think..
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    How to monitor Eutrophication

    Explain range of test to monitor possbile eutrphication of waterways Do i just talk about Amount of nitrates and phosphates that should be monitored? Wat else other than nitrates and phosphates to accelerate the eutro of lakes and rivers...? anybody know?
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    AES question

    erm OK. now when an atom gets excited, does it emit only one spectrum of light (say violet) or does it emit one whole range of light? And also. with AES do you burn the sample and then measure the spectrums given off, study of the characteristics of the lights given off. or do you...
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    AES question

    ok. AES measures the range of spectrums given off by a particular elements and determine its nature but what happens when you have like 3 or 4 different kind a elements in and give off a mixed spectrum of light? how do you determine the metal ions present then? And erm. i never really...
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    identify the range of tests for metal pollution

    thanks CM i looked up the cation exchange tomography. very complicated and its mainly for separaing ions in proteins. so.... So there is only 2 method? precipitation and AES so much for "range of tests"
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    texts for sale

    i want the HSC chemistry 15$
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    texts for sale

    i want the HSC chemistry 20$
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    identify the range of tests for metal pollution

    i know there is the precipitation method there is AAS what else? i need to do the report for chemistry, and i really want to impress the teacher. I need to explain the range of test to Identify the heavy metal pollution Monitor the possible eutrophication of waterways. And also...
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    Final business assessment

    Hi people the teacher has given a topic assess how business can manage change effectively,and evaluate the role of financial management in achieving goals of the business. I dont really know how i should set it out anybody give me a suggestion>? and also i want to include an example...
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    ADV english trouble

    Hi guys yesterday was the last day, i got my assessments back I got a Grade D for my collage(i did bad because I did not explain the image properly,but i still dont think i deserve a D) a C+ for the speech on greed.(i thought i was gona get a b for it) that really turned my stomach...