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  1. M

    Hsc 4u Solutions?

    u can work out a lot of things from the marking guidelines along with examiners comments thats how I figure out how to do many of the questions I have the 2001 scanned. Have the 2003 un-scanned and I'm doing 2002 2001 is here:
  2. M

    Simple Harmonic Motion.

    >> i mean can u go from a=-n^2x to x=acos(nt+@)?? << I'm quite sure that I said you cannot So if you ask me then you'll get that answer And I have a big faith that other people will say the same EDIT: hmm.. I withdraw all those statements >> Or can we always do it by integrating? <<...
  3. M

    Simple Harmonic Motion.

    it says: "a possible solution" so you do what Mr Li0n said (it's like when proving the natural / exponential growth formula... do it from the possible solution) you have 4=4(a^2-16) 1=a^2-16 17=a^2 and just an alternative answer without that formula, you can do x=acos(2t+@) , i.e...
  4. M

    Simple Harmonic Motion.

    He / she was asking it the other way around. Without knowledge or assumption that the x has the form of acos(nt+@), I don't think it can be done. But maybe it can :p
  5. M

    Simple Harmonic Motion.

    >> i have a question that says that a=-n2x show that x=acos(nt+@)?? How do i do it? << I don't think you can do this one ^_^
  6. M

    The format of the HSC

    well I agree but isn't that quite obvious anyway? ;)
  7. M

    WANTED Solutions to SGS Trials 2004

    Rorix.. u gave the answer away to Mr Black!!
  8. M

    projectile motion

    yes but you defnitely are not allowed to quote that formula in extension 1. it might be okay in ext2 depending on the nature of the Q. Hmm I wont bother doing that using cartesian now.. (to check Jase's answer) but to Abtari: there will be 2 values of theta. sin2@ (where @ is theta...
  9. M

    Question Involving h/mv

    it is, hehe.. but is W = q V in the formula sheet? I can't find it I think it's a good idea to omit some formulas :D
  10. M

    projectile motion

    using formula is not a good idea and, say if they Q has 4 marks, you wont get 4 marks using that formula
  11. M

    Silly Mistakes

    oh BTW, I have another tip. Never ever stay up late before a maths exam, whether it be for study or other things. EDIT: I think my tip should be: don't do too much work before the exam, and that includes the morning before exam.
  12. M

    Question Involving h/mv

    or, without calculus, on the first page of the formula sheet you have E = F/q, i.e. F = E*q (where * is times) on the second page you have E = V/d combining, F = V/d*q but work = force*distance E_k = V*q note: the email notification was sitting on my inbox and I hadn't bothered going to...
  13. M

    polynomial Q

    Oh I see. The thing is my teacher never told me about Rorix's theorem, so it's understandable that I didn't know it ^_^ Thanks.
  14. M

    WANTED Solutions to SGS Trials 2004

    >> so using the q without assuming it will work << When we did it we assume it will work ^^ if we don't assume it will work, why do we do it? >> but there are much better ways for this q than plainly bashing it out. << Hmm.... like what? oh, your target UAI.. will you achieve it? ;)
  15. M

    polynomial Q

    umm... how do you know that? [ how do you know that a^n = -pa^(n-2) - qa^(n-3) ] I can easily prove it by induction, but is it naturally true already?
  16. M

    WANTED Solutions to SGS Trials 2004

    yes I get part b To anyone reading: for this Q, do you think we're allowed to work backwards / use the given result (in an obvious way... not like working backwards but pretending to work forwards all the time)? mm should I tell Mr Black? Obviously not since he'll delete his post and say...
  17. M


    didn't you do this one on purpose though? what do you think of my edited post?
  18. M

    How to do this

    the numerator of any integer root of a polynomial with real coefficients will be a divisor of the constant term and given an unknown polynomial, there is a non-zero probability that the polynomial has only real coefficients, and has an integer root, and that the leading term is 1 or -1 :)
  19. M


    sometimes it's because the forum lags :p whoops.. they put a time limitation now so that there are no double posts (notice I wrote it's, not it is) @ Trev: It has everything, everything to do with maths!! 1. Slide Rule is a manual calculating device, now largely obsolete, consisting of...
  20. M

    How to do this

    Doesn't the book have a contact number? Hmm.. you might be able to ask from this: