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  1. abdooooo!!!

    Repeating Year 12

    can't you just study at uni in some crap course and get a good mark then get a transfer to the course that you want. and you may able to be to carry over some credits... because hsc sucks. :)
  2. abdooooo!!!

    game theory

    nah its not nobel level... lol... there is a difference between comming up with a theory and just learning a theory. its actually first proposed by the mathematician john von neumann... the dude who invented computer and he also took part in the creation of the atomic bomb. i think nash...
  3. abdooooo!!!

    Using Energy isntead of motion formulas.

    here is what i think.... NO. those pendatic no math teacher will destroy you for sure even if the answer is the same. edit: hey what the hell is VCE? is that victorian system of hsc? how would you know they have certain things LOL.
  4. abdooooo!!!

    evolution and death

    programmed death... i did not change my argument. :p that was suppose to be humorous statement in relation to the topic. all im trying to say is there are "changes" in an organism throughout its life. the path of this change is decided mainly by genetics. this genetics is randomly...
  5. abdooooo!!!

    Difficulty of 4u maths

    phycological damage maybe, but in terms of math you should be way ahead of the competition. them people might just be try hard dudes in year7 where no one cared... but now everyone studies they lost their try hardness LOL. does it contain negative integers? your mum is evil... cheap sale lol
  6. abdooooo!!!


    hahahaha. dogs? why dogs? dogs mate with bitches... unless they are gay. ;) what are LEOA and GERC?
  7. abdooooo!!!

    evolution and death

    its nothing to do with philosophy... its mathematics... the law of the universe. :) but if you equate math as philosophy then yea... LOL. if you're not killed by old age... you will be killed by other means or new-borns will be restricted to re-establish the equilibrium. what? genetic...
  8. abdooooo!!!


    LOL. its suppose to be electrons are -vely charged like -vely charged ions. ;) edit: thats why they should make science tests all multiple choice or calculations and diagram drawing... hundreds of marks lost by careless phrasing of a statement. see i can correct you as well... an ion is a...
  9. abdooooo!!!

    Maintaining a Balance Tips

    hahaha... now you've got it on your sig... :p well your notes is set out better... missing or a little too brief on a few things but all good :) and there is like this one or two conceptual mistakes... i think you just said anything... LOL. the rest is perfect... i think i've memorised...
  10. abdooooo!!!

    evolution and death

    LOL. the governing dynamics of evolution. :) an equilibrium of death and new life must and is established as scarcity exists. umm... i think im gonna get my PhD on that... ahahaha.
  11. abdooooo!!!

    Class Of 04....

    whoa!... i don't get it. :p
  12. abdooooo!!!

    Maintaining a Balance Tips

    yeah man... LOL yeah get this dudes note... tele's version looks ugly LOL. :p
  13. abdooooo!!!

    Maintaining a Balance Tips

    hey you know the main part of this bio forum... and there some threads known as important... there are a some notes there :)
  14. abdooooo!!!

    Studying for maths?

    the only thing i can think of is don't use cambridge. see the assessments your teacher gives try to regnise where it came from, ie past papers, pheonix or whatever. then practise those type of questions with worked solutions to learn from you're mistakes. unless you're just making...
  15. abdooooo!!!

    Class Of 04....

    LOL. too shy to post??? how do you get shy on the net?
  16. abdooooo!!!

    how do u approach the exam ?

    what exam in december? they changed it to december now?!?! :confused:
  17. abdooooo!!!

    game theory

    do you do this in hsc economics?
  18. abdooooo!!!

    Module Order

    kick? but i thought blackspots are suppose to be black LOL. our teacher is like... you want to see some blackbody? then he strips. :)
  19. abdooooo!!!

    Module Order

    space is the most boring crap i've ever done... who cares about how rockets are launched and safety of the passengers. but astrophysics has nothing to do with space apart from stars is located in space LOL. astrophysics is just basic cosmology with some telescope and astronomy...
  20. abdooooo!!!

    Dot Point 2.2.8

    nah i don't think so. i think hsconline got that dot point completely wrong. hey kim, i don't have any sources for graphs or anything, but try searching for their the concentration in major cities as this is a local thing. and search for the increase in acid rain data which should be...