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  1. abdooooo!!!

    Post Your Problem Here

    i see you have taken my advise victor... now enlighten us. :)
  2. abdooooo!!!

    reminiscing abt yr 7

    i went to a school where none of my primary school friends went. i was there by myself... then saw a bunch junkies... so i joined in and now im a genius. ;)
  3. abdooooo!!!

    Mathematical Induction Q

    im talking to myself... ok. you fools. :p someone should really make it so that you can't delete posts... umm... but i can do it as well. ;) GuardiaN man... that questions sucks... i can't do it. :( have to learn more calculus...
  4. abdooooo!!!

    Mathematical Induction Q

    crap... ahhh... i forgot to delete them posts... stupid GuardiaN edit: now thats better :p
  5. abdooooo!!!

    Death and Decay question

    i can't even do that... am i that stupid. :mad: is there like any tricks you suppose to know after you done that topic... cause i can't figure it out with differential calculus or integration.
  6. abdooooo!!!

    Death and Decay question

    grrr... i have no idea... i haven't even that topic yet. lol wait... let me try harder. hahaha
  7. abdooooo!!!

    Death and Decay question

    and whats this suppose to look like on paper?
  8. abdooooo!!!

    Death and Decay question

    umm... this is confusing... whats A stands for?
  9. abdooooo!!!

    Getting to school

    walk... train... bus... walk... 1.5 hours. but not anymore :p
  10. abdooooo!!!

    Mathematical Induction Q

    they're here... mr 100.xx from ruse has over 500 posts and now offering tutoring. i wonder where i heard of the name yewon before... oh distinction course :D and that math nerd from your school last year and all the olympiad students thats on here... they are the freaky ones. ;)
  11. abdooooo!!!

    100 without 4U mahts?

    3u = good for 4u student, but only half as good for a 2/3u student. ;) im not gonna explain my philosophy on subject choice over and over again. no one listens anyway. i wonder why stupid board of studies makes subjects like general math, and standard english. the whole idea of this...
  12. abdooooo!!!

    Can some1 prove L'hopital for me i think the guy proved every thing... its quite long. :) or just read the last bit for it
  13. abdooooo!!!

    Can some1 prove L'hopital for me

    it can also be prooved for infinity +/- its L. hospital damn it. :p
  14. abdooooo!!!

    Syllabus Question

    well its right... i think. but its just a really gay way of explaining it. umm... you can understand my? then i wonder why i always lose marks with explainations in the hsc...
  15. abdooooo!!!

    Can some1 prove L'hopital for me

    L. hopistal's rule? hahaha... is that even in the syllabus... i thought it was first year uni stuff. just find it on the net man... there is like a million proofs.
  16. abdooooo!!!

    Syllabus Question

    ok here is what i wrote in my summary for that dot point: Explain that a change in gravitational potential energy is related to work done Gravitational potential energy is the potential energy of a mass due to its position within a gravitational field Defined as the work done to move an...
  17. abdooooo!!!

    Mathematical Induction Q

    nah OLDMAN is scary... so old. :p ruse nerds don't normally post here this early... only just before or after the hsc. because they need to study now... :D
  18. abdooooo!!!

    Printing heaps

    no way... who prints past papers... must be pretty stupid. just do it on the computer screen. but most people lying anyways... ;)
  19. abdooooo!!!

    yr 11 study hours

    year11... i did nothing... i didn't even study a single minute for the yearlies. im so lucky... :D
  20. abdooooo!!!

    Forum upgrade..

    what the... hahaha... where is it... i mean SKA. :p SKA = Skills, Knowledge & Ability :D