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  1. D

    Semester Two

    tourism and business well tourism is only tourism business is like everything like accounting, finance, marketing, and all dat bullshit i think im gonna be doing tourism most ppls in da tourism industry have tafe qualifications so if i haf a uni degree in Tourism.. i'll be the top dog in...
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    The best uni for a bachelor of business

    B Commerce is the old name... notice that all the old universities, the course is called B Commerce.. and all the newer universities its called B Business... i know dat uws it used to b B Commerce, but now changed to B Business..... The difference i noticed in the subjects that you gotta...
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    Communications vs. Business

    the only uni that offers B Communications / B Business as a double degree is Canberra Uni
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    transfer question

    dam my uai is just a little bit under da bscit course but my personal statement is soo pro that they hafto except me !!! lol
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    IT jobs outsourced to India

    uts rules !! period ! i should haf just went there in da first place fuck i hate uws
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    Degree Majors

    im from UC berekly my major is civil engineering. i dont know why i even chose to audition in the first place.. but i realli like music, i wanna make music my living. -(William Hung, 2004, American Idol)
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    Guaranteed Internal Course Transfer Scheme

    your da stoopid idiot man das for the internal transfer form.. if you r doing the Guranteed Internal Transfer Scheme.. (which is a different form to the Internal Transfer Form) then you dont need to fill in no HECS shit.. idiot.. fuck u mofo get your facts straight b4 u speak mudda fucka
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    Guaranteed Internal Course Transfer Scheme

    wat HECS shit? u dont hafto fill out da HECS form man just da guaranteed form the other form u talkin about is applicatoin to transfer which is only used for people transfering from a double degree to a single degree.. or a change of home campus for the same subject or change of key...
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    group tutorial presentations

    who in the world doesnt have a fone these days? its year 2004.. their either not with it.. out of date.. or dunno da trends.. LOL
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    Guaranteed Internal Course Transfer Scheme

    for course code do we put the course code in the uac guide ? or do we put the uws course code?
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    Away from home Uni Students

    lol natstar u living at uni aye lol i almost forgot.. so hows things? got a room mate yet? lol
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    group tutorial presentations

    its actually pretty easy if they can get to uni.. den y not just all meet at uni i hate ppls in groups dat make excuses.. they're just slackers dat dont wanna work..
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    group tutorial presentations

    i feel you all.. i have 2 group assignments.. 1 group is excellent.. and every single member is reliable and we have meetings everysingle week and everyone turns up all the time.. and if one doesnt, they send us an SMS message telling us dey cant make it.. so good communicatoin = good group...
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    Guaranteed Internal Course Transfer Scheme

    n e course u want man.. as long as you get above credit average btw did u get the form? i got the form today n e 1 know who the Head of Program is? coz he/she needs to sign it
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    Head of Program?

    hey whos the head of program for business ?
  16. D

    University Online Society

    wat relationship? man elmo u gotta go out more dude/dudette !! LOL im gonna stress,panick,cram, and die now peace out ^^
  17. D

    Whos that girl?

    now ive started to do my accounting hw farkn hektic shit and to think i gotta remmeber all da formulas arrr shiet !! okay no more playing around now.. back to seroius study fark i nearly forgot about uni man.. its all stress and shit again no more fun and games !!! god i hate uni !!!!
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    Whos that girl?

    theres alotta stalkers in this forum
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    Whos that girl?

    lets start a boredofschool fan club and all the ppls that like boredofschool can join LOL
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    Whos that girl?

    bored come on MSN lol