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  1. chris42

    The movie review thread

    I saw finding nemo, which was not bad film, Computer graphics were pretty amazing.
  2. chris42

    How much of your hard drive are you currently using?

    I've got 40GB drive and got only like 3GB free total of all the 3 partitions :(. Got to cut down on my music collection, or buy a new drive :). Thankfully I've got few other computers on the network to use in the meantime, hehe :p.
  3. chris42

    converting music

    What version are u using of nero, 5.5 works for me, or 6 i'm pretty sure would have no problems at all ?
  4. chris42

    Training thresholds?????

    yup, good thing is you've got lots of space to use in those last option topic questions where this normally comes up.
  5. chris42

    Dealing with Multiple Choice Questions

    yeah, our teacher says UNDERLINE, Underline key points...
  6. chris42

    Anyone getting sick of study ????

    Vet courses are annoying aren't they being so late?.. Just on a different note, do you think there is a point you can being doing too much study ?
  7. chris42

    How's This For Stress?

    I've got mine pretty spread out, but got the last exam of the HSC, IT :(
  8. chris42

    School / Subject

    Hi, I'm Chris from NBCS -SDD -IT (VET) -Business Studies -Mathematics -PDHPE -English Standards -Modern History (Now Dropped) you could guess why.. 14 units are a bit much don't you think ?
  9. chris42

    IT Defintitions

    Cool, think its much better than ?
  10. chris42

    Training thresholds?????

    Thanks, and then you've got your different type of thresholds which are Aerobic and anerobic
  11. chris42

    Greatest ever game created....ever

    Have any of you been addicted to helicopter? :-p
  12. chris42

    HSC Student Enrichment Day

    yeah, well I was feeling like doing that when I got there.. :p
  13. chris42

    Hsc Helpline Number?

    13 11 12
  14. chris42

    Hsc Helpline Number?

    Yup 13 11 12
  15. chris42

    Favourite TV Show ?

    Hehe, Yup was watching that last night, what did you think of the main story for the night?
  16. chris42


    Go Gumby, Still got a Gumby figurine at home, ah reminds me of the shows of old...
  17. chris42

    Favourite TV Show ?

    I'm a bit of fan of JAG, i think it was cancelled last night because of the twins show, did anyone watch that?
  18. chris42

    Favourite TV Show ?

    So whats everyone's favourite TV show, I haven't had much time to watch TV since the hsc is coming close, but i still watch the occasional show here and there.
  19. chris42


    What bands did you guys end up going to ?
  20. chris42

    Who's bored off their nut studying? what crazy stuff has HSC made you do?

    Well It drove me to coming on this bored of studies forum, considering I never have been on a forum in my life :p