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  1. MoNNiE


    i think i've figured the reason, the real time is set to the american EST not the Australian EST ;) hence the correct time here being -5hrs not +10hrs forward..
  2. MoNNiE


    lol! i go that shirt!
  3. MoNNiE

    Free Periods...

    i 'tried' making notes during my free periods but i ended up socialising or secretly run around the school recuiting people to join me! :D.. but that was rare.. unless u was desperate! having a deck of cards comes on handy :p on the other hand about 25% i would actually study and 'try' to do...
  4. MoNNiE

    graphics calculators

    Put it this way, People who don't use calculators to do calculus are S-M-A-R-T!
  5. MoNNiE

    What are you currently Reading?

    'Preserving Women - Refrigerator design as Social process in the 1930s' Shelley Nickles :/i don't like case studies..
  6. MoNNiE

    Paulini - Aus Idol *NEW* Album/Single

    her current single, angel eyes is a remake of the orginal 80's version by Firehouse.. i listened to it and compared, and paulini's version was so much better! paulini isn't 'fat' maybe in some outfits she looks it, but i doubt she is that fat. besides why should a fat image be a problem..we...
  7. MoNNiE

    Utada - Exodus

    Holy cow!! NO WAY!!!!!!!! final distance is one of her best tracks, but that can never beat first love... that song was the first ever song i actually decided to learn the lyrics off by heart for!.. though i dunno what it means.. but i sorta have a vague idea!
  8. MoNNiE

    quick edit & mozilla

    opera is the best :D -- oo spunky quick edit is back!
  9. MoNNiE

    New Reputation system

    hmm.. i think that the moderators should discuss this between themselves, whether the reputation system is appropriate it shouldn't really matter so much with what we think, because just alot of people go on rep sprees, though some are encouraging , others are just spam..anyways i think we...
  10. MoNNiE

    Bush or Kerry?

    indeed he has! i think Kerry will win this hands down, the bush administration have made such a mess of things, but then i guess they entered office at the worse time! eg 911 bombing!
  11. MoNNiE

    Bring it On Again

    the first one was good..hmm temped to go hire it now..i mean the second one
  12. MoNNiE

    who will win big brother?

    that is so not an embassy any more! macccca ur on a spam the entertainment forum spree today!
  13. MoNNiE

    The First Kiss

    what is it with guys and betting on everything -- actually anything -- we atempted to kiss at the school open day.. in the science laB lol mouth 2cm away form each other and then..someone came! what an anti climax that was!
  14. MoNNiE

    the coldest place...

    Sydney isn't that cold any more ice on the more dense more complaining @ school how stuffed the weather is.. wait then again i wake up at 11am and don't have uni yet!=P
  15. MoNNiE

    graphics calculators

    Calculators for use in the General Mathematics HSC Examination and SC Tests In the General Mathematics HSC Examination, the approved list of scientific calculators does not apply. The criteria for the use of calculators in the General Mathematics HSC Examination are in the Higher School...
  16. MoNNiE

    supplementary exam results

    Last Friday, i wish they came out already.. i just want to know whether i passed physics so i can breathe abit more easier
  17. MoNNiE

    Electronics major doest work

    i have some , but they are no overly helpful.. the best study notes i would say are your assignments they will relate more to your examination, otherwise a good business studies book wouldn't be bad either! but i'll try dig some notes i might have laying around for you.. but it's not a garentee!
  18. MoNNiE


    alot of action movies need physicst to do mathematical calulations for stuntsand other things.. if u had suzanne hoggs as a lecturer or a lab tut she'll tell you all about it!
  19. MoNNiE

    is it compulsory to go to school after the trials?

    i odn't think it is.. whether the students come to school afterwards or not.. it's up to them how they use it (wise or not) but that didn't stop some of my friends bumming at home :D the first week of term 4 is optional to's mainly just a week were the students can go back and ask...