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  1. Always

    HSC Hopes and Goals

    Ahhh, noice noice. The only thing I've planned for the holidays is to work on my tan. ;)
  2. Always

    Tips for 2006 HSC Class

    Awwww, you're too sweet! <33
  3. Always

    HSC Hopes and Goals

    Finish reading all your textbooks? In the Christmas holidays?! You are MAD, I tell ya!
  4. Always

    Summer is here! Vive la swimwear!

    Eva Longoria is a stunner! You lucky, lucky girl. Question: what's the smallest size Zimmerman swimwear comes in?
  5. Always

    1st Assessment - Globalisation task

    Our school requires us to do China. It doesn't matter that there's a lot of competition. If your research on China is more substantial than someone else's on Poland, for example, then you will always get the better mark.
  6. Always

    wedges!! <333

    Another hater of wedges here. Not a fan of stumpy legs, sorry!
  7. Always


    Absolutely positive. :)
  8. Always


    Only 2 people have ever gotten a band 6 in Standard but around 2% get band 5's. I think around 10 students from my school got a band 5 in Standard last year so there's definitely more than 2. Riviet, students don't get band 6's in Standard because a band 6 student would not be doing Standard...
  9. Always

    Summer dresses

    The last time I visited SG they had these hideous, long, full, peasant/ethnic skirts. They looked like old, ugly curtains. SG, what were you THINKING.
  10. Always

    Summer dresses

    Thanks <3 Blue/green sounds good. :) I don't like it together (like the combination on the SG site), but separate pieces are nice imo.
  11. Always

    Summer dresses

    It's very cute. :) I might get this... I'm in desperate need of new mini-skirts. The ruffle cami is nice as well. Do you know what other colours it comes in, natstar?
  12. Always


    I believe I am. :) My school is very competitive and I will end up with a poor ranking in Advanced. At least in Standard I can aim for a top 5 ranking. :p My teacher believes I can get around 85 in Standard, which is more than I could manage in Advanced, but with a lot less work as well. I've...
  13. Always


    I'm changing to Standard on monday. I like business studies! It's my best subject. The content is easy, the exams are easy, and the competition is minimal. What more can I person ask of a subject? ;)
  14. Always

    How are the 06's finding yr 12 so far??

    I'll be happy once I finish writing mine! I'm very sick at the moment with a very sore throat and I have to present this speech some time next week. Juuust my luck.
  15. Always


    I need to get over 90 in all my subjects apart from english. And you're right, there's no need for 90+ marks in all 10 units for a 98 UAI.
  16. Always


    I don't blame you. :p For the UAI I'm aiming for, I need to get in the 90's for all my subjects. That's why I think math ext. may be futile for me. I'm not asian. ;) The creative writing section is in the AOS paper which is common to both Standard and Advanced.
  17. Always


    The only reason I'm staying in advanced is because of the Emma/Clueless module. Pretty stupid reason, really. I want to drop it as well. I don't think it will even count for me and I'm just going to be wasting my time. How many units do you do?
  18. Always

    big ppl, small clothes

    In many cases, anorexics aren't fat to start off with. They may be unhappy with their image not because they are physically unattractive, but because of deeper, psychological problems. For example, anorexics may use food as a form of self-control when all other factors in their lives is...