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  1. perfectionist

    interesting fact about busos this year in the HSC

    lolz...i wish watever it is its good cuz i made up my own case study in the was fine!
  2. perfectionist


    At my skool, u cant really tell where u are in the state...we had like 9 students...we never practiced any extended responses...n didnt do the pracs in the syllabus, all the irrelavent though! I came fourth,gettingh 79%..and after that the marks dropped..the difference b/w me n the person who's...
  3. perfectionist

    Realated texts

    I would say that for your trials n the HSC try n get separate texts..cuz the markes are looking for something different..well thats what I did...makes your work standout than rest of the people in your class.
  4. perfectionist

    Realated texts

    For institution and personal experience i used a story, "young man in Vietnam" by Charles Coe...however it was for "Dear America"...Dear America is no longer in the syllabus...
  5. perfectionist

    Realated texts

    i used the poem, "weapons training" by bruce Dawe for the club and the film Pretty woman n i used, "one flew over the Cuckoo's nest" for Module C:Institution and Personal Experience.
  6. perfectionist

    Any1 doing Bachelor of Commerce at Usyd or UNSW

    eee...i felt exactly the same when i went back to this time i called over!
  7. perfectionist

    Any1 doing Bachelor of Commerce at Usyd or UNSW

    i already got mine in September..i got credit..u know the silly thing i did was I attempted nearly ALL q's..n i found out like nearly at the end that there was negative marking:(.. even though i got most right in my class I got the third ranking...only cuz of negative marking n yeah my SILLINESS!
  8. perfectionist

    Your UAI prediction...

    i dunno..i can't wait till the results...i want to get over and done with results and the UAI & ofcourse i hope i get into the course of my choice!!
  9. perfectionist

    Any1 doing Bachelor of Commerce at Usyd or UNSW

    yeah...i wanna know this as well... or do we have to arrage ourselves during the summer breaks every year???
  10. perfectionist

    welcome 2004sers!

    yeah..good on u :)
  11. perfectionist


    Yeah..we can buy em of our library...i think it should be allowed...who would buy the original from BOS...well yeah i wud have bought em if they were not allowed
  12. perfectionist

    Any1 doing Bachelor of Commerce at Usyd or UNSW

    I hate travelling..especially by train and bus!..well yeah thats how i have to go to uni :(
  13. perfectionist

    Any1 doing Bachelor of Commerce at Usyd or UNSW

    lolz...yeah...i have asked tooo many q's...anyways, thanks to the nice people on BoS:)
  14. perfectionist

    Any1 doing Bachelor of Commerce at Usyd or UNSW

    how about Bachelors of Business at UTS...whats so different about it? i also has majors in accounting, HRM, marketing...etc... so isnt it the same thing then, if i do bachelors of commerce i'd take ACCOUNTING as my major, if i do B,Business at UTS, i'd do accounting...
  15. perfectionist

    Any1 doing Bachelor of Commerce at Usyd or UNSW

    Most people i know have told me that accounting is very boring...but i reckon that if i found it pretty ok at school in the business syllabus, it should be fine in uni yeah may be i end up becoming an accountant!
  16. perfectionist


    we got em from skool 4 like $1.5 OR $2...can't remember!
  17. perfectionist

    Any1 doing Bachelor of Commerce at Usyd or UNSW

    Minai what course are u doing? is it only B.commerce or a double degree?
  18. perfectionist


    Thanks Ragerunner so much...:) im so grateful 2 u.. thanks a lot:)
  19. perfectionist

    Any1 doing Bachelor of Commerce at Usyd or UNSW

    ok:) thanks minai! one more question...sorry... I looked throuhgh B of Economics course and it bascially has similar majors as B of commerce...however the required UAI is pretty less than commerce...what could be the reason?? Thanks:)