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  1. Seraph

    People who got >90 in subjects: how did you study?

    far out , i should make a day where i do no work completely.....!!! but my mind wotn let me!! DAMN YOU DAMN YOU TO HELL!!!!
  2. Seraph

    I Give Up!!!

    Im actually having trouble with maths for once , the stuff we are doing at school atm just goes Woosh!! past me pfft , my maths work is accumulating , From tutors and School!!!!
  3. Seraph

    People who got >90 in subjects: how did you study?

    actually im doing this studying 2 subjects + maths every day , and alternating this ( i do 10 units) , its better than what i was doing .. trying to study 10 units every day....
  4. Seraph

    BNF stuff...

    Hmmm.... okay hang on one thing.. word :: = < letter > | < letter >< word > Right?? so how come you cant take just the < letter > option at the start? And then afterwards use < letter > < word > to build the word...???? because when u use < letter > it takes an individual letter...
  5. Seraph

    India all the way!

    Lol India Got N00BED and Lol @ Damien Martyn He also got N00bED
  6. Seraph

    Golf - who actually watches it?

    yes why the fuck does fox spot show constant golf!!! they show barely any soccer .. they could be showing soccer instead they replay like 1970 cricket matches!! I mean what the fuck is wrong with them!! oh wait its telstra... yea okay sorry i understand
  7. Seraph

    BNF stuff...

    okay i think i understand so the <word> means the loop as it goes along so for the word hello it would go like <h> then <he> <hel> <hell> until finally u would use just the <letter> to get o ?? and if this Is the case do i actually have to write each step(like you did above to get each...
  8. Seraph

    Soccer Thread 2004

  9. Seraph

    BNF stuff...

    O_o ahh thx fosweb ... but Hang on okay im sort of understand for the BNF syntax ( i havent looked at EBNF yet , i just wanna get this right first) Okay so basically its a loop right? and to define the < word > each time it loops to spell out the word in a sense right?? BUt i dont...
  10. Seraph

    BNF stuff...

    Hi everyone we've just started BNF and EBNF syntax at school (geez my teacher jumps around the syllabus alot) , we briefly touched on it but im having some difficulty with it Okay say i want to define a word say... the word "hey" i know to define i would have to use :: = ive done...
  11. Seraph

    How many units and what subjects??

    far out they never offered us Accelerated SDD in year 10 but funny , the year before us had the opportunity to do it Grrrr
  12. Seraph

    Favourite soccer team!?

    so true and why cant he have aliadiare as his pic? in a years time (or less)Aliadiare will be huuuuuuuge!!!
  13. Seraph

    did you do it?

    well i did all my homework , dont know if i did it very well though i studied , but that too i dont know if i did it very well
  14. Seraph

    Soccer Thread 2004

    Cudini Thinks the ball is a hot potato :rolleyes:
  15. Seraph

    VB one day series [ind, aus, zim]

    haha ganguly was mighty pissed off said "fuck" like 5 times , and i remember him taking a piss on one of the fielders near the end but meh , i guess he had a right to be
  16. Seraph

    Syllabus Learn to points

    oh i was doing that , and actually remembering what i was summarizing but i figured i should try to answer some questions so thats whyi went along with the syllabus
  17. Seraph

    Soccer Thread 2004

    Ahh yes , now i see , Wenger purposely rejected Van Persie because he knows that our team is already hell strong as it is Yes smart move Wenger :)
  18. Seraph

    Favourite soccer team!?

    Hey everyone turns out Arsenal is buying Robin Van Persie!!!! The dutch connection of Bergkamp And Persie is much stronger than that off Van nistelrooy and uh..... Van nistelrooy -_-
  19. Seraph

    Soccer Thread 2004

    I couldnt imagine it , cause i dont see that happening anytime soon *cough* and dont bring up the carling cup , because the team was msotly youth players anyway