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  1. Sweets


    Some faculties at our school have assessment booklets, so we get everything at the start of the yr.
  2. Sweets

    hardwork vs. natural ability

    Well im not exactly sure about the hairdresser bit...its sort of just evolved as part of the story... ;)
  3. Sweets

    hardwork vs. natural ability

    I think its probably a combination of both. because hard work alone can only get you so far. In way it can be hard being too gifting in the hsc because the hsc has such middle class values 'work hard and you will suceed' etc. One of my friends who was extremely gifted always found school...
  4. Sweets

    started yr11... shud i use folders now or wat?

    thats too complicated for me.....
  5. Sweets

    What ever happened to Osama

    Ohhh 1 person is a great sample of the entire population. And no I havn't been to Iraq but im not one making bombastic statements about the freedom which is reigning supreme there. Why don't we go spread some of that to Burma?
  6. Sweets

    What ever happened to Osama

    Yeh its just rocking there, you know families torn apart, thousands dead. I'll take your word for it though. If you say they think life is better then it must be. I mean thats what Ann Sanders told you right? or was it Jessica Rowe?
  7. Sweets

    You Can Watch The News!

    commercial news freaks me out.......
  8. Sweets

    How much free periods do you have?

    I have 21 frees 72 minutes long a fortnight. I feel like im never at school. Its great tho cause I never have more then 4 classes a day and get to frolick around in my frees.
  9. Sweets

    started yr11... shud i use folders now or wat?

    I'm one of those folder ppl, who have like dividers and different colours for diff subjects. Its sort of this weird obsession. I think its just personal prefference but I get alot of sheets etc so its easier to organise and i know if i had a book i would just shove it in the back. The major...
  10. Sweets

    Journeys for 2006?

    I know adv ppl doing physical. How boring. Lazy teachers. I do imaginative.
  11. Sweets

    are these ok?

    No, its totally not ok, you're going to fail the hsc. Better start packing for peru now.
  12. Sweets

    Healthy School Canteen

    How come every1 has a healthy canteen??? I want one too!!
  13. Sweets

    Habib on 60 Minutes

    Well if the end justify the means. I really believe that things like this set a bad precedent.
  14. Sweets

    Healthy School Canteen

    Our Caf is soo unhealthy is gross. All they have is donuts, chocolate, hot chips. Thank god for the Subway at the shops!
  15. Sweets

    Habib on 60 Minutes

    Well if you think he was treated humanly he must have been. Suspicious person travelling around Afgahnistan, yeh just lock him right up. Next time I see a suspicious looking person walking on the street i'll just lock him up too. Needless to say Guantanamo Bay would not be my answer. To a...
  16. Sweets

    Habib on 60 Minutes

    Yeh, its absolutely important. Right up there with-Which detergent is right for you?. Exploding ovens-we have the lowdown. Habib looks like a dead man. You know even if he was a terrorist, no1 deserves to be treated that way. There is such a thing called Human rights. Or is that just...
  17. Sweets

    Habib on 60 Minutes

    Tune in tonight on ACA for 'teenagers gone wild'- A menace to society.
  18. Sweets

    Standards Package?

    Alternatively, if your a cheapstake, like myself. Go here-
  19. Sweets

    Standards Package?

    Your school my have a copy of it. My school does. OLMC also has some standards packages for some subjects on their site.
  20. Sweets

    Cornelia Rau

    What i meant to say was that it causes such a big shock in our system when an Australian citizen is locked up but we treat it with almost a casual indifference when its illegal immigrants, seeing as they 'deserve it'. Don't get me wrong i'm just as outraged as the next person. And by all...