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  1. MaryJane

    Marriage + Uni

    I'm with santaslayer, generally. But I am pretty sure I wouldnt get married during uni; I'd prefer to do it afterwards, probably a year or something into working in the "real world" to see how we go as a couple because a lot can change. I would like to be engaged before the end of uni (hint hint...
  2. MaryJane

    Official STAT270 thread

    I did 170 and I think that the stuff between 170 and 270 is pretty complimentary. I mean, the stat270 unit starts off revising 170 (t-tests and what not) and just builds on t-tests. Then it focuses on ANOVA and regression for the rest of the semester. Its pretty well-structured, and having 170...
  3. MaryJane

    Official STAT270 thread

    I didnt get any marks which said "dont do that here" or anything like that from memory. But I followed the stat170 guide pretty closely.... And I also put in a bit of my psych knowledge of reports (which may have lost me marks in the end). Yep, those are the hypotheses I'm doing too... You...
  4. MaryJane

    crim law assignment

    You're lucky... I think its only Anne who doesnt fail people. Last year, my tutor Katherine failed a few people, as has my current tutor Tom. I'm doomed!!! Also, I sent Anne an email at the end of September asking her a question about the assignment. I got a reply last week! :p
  5. MaryJane


    Fifth. I dont think anything will change until Ma dies. Literally. He's like Hitler. No matter how good the intentions of the other candidates are, as long as Ma is there, there will be a monopoly on, well, everything. Just my opinion.
  6. MaryJane

    Official STAT270 thread

    Yeah, I ran out of time in that question where you had to decide whether the CI was reasonable for the plot. Sue said "one minute to go" and I thought that would be fine, but 10 seconds later she says "put your pens down!". That is false adversiting.... of a sort.. Oh well, on to do the...
  7. MaryJane

    Official STAT270 thread

    Ugh, I know, how crap is it?! I'm not sure to how much she can test us on simple regression, because we've just learnt the t-test, but regression ANOVA isnt included in the exam... Should be interesting. Probably more p-value finding things, a lot of ANOVA. I hope she doesnt get us to do...
  8. MaryJane

    Presents for your significant other

    I agree that presents for all people for all occasions should hold some personalised value rather than just getting them the standard presents. That said, personalised doesnt necessarily mean hand-made; last christmas I made my boy a box of random bits and pieces that he had wanted over the...
  9. MaryJane

    bba111 report help

    I'll speak for Steve (because he's at work and I'm procrastinating), but dont take my word as gospel. He interpreted the results as we would in psych (especially the bio psych report); comparing the results (only a few select results by the looks of things) to the literature and deciding on...
  10. MaryJane

    which course has more maths involved in it?

    I would imagine that BBA/IT has more maths involved, but, as Clairgirl said, there is stat in BBA/Psych. If you did BBA/IT, in first year you could do demographics for the BBA side of it rather than stats (which is apparently easier), but then, IT probably does have more proper maths subjects in...
  11. MaryJane

    Business Admin/Arts in Psychology

    ...Here comes the 1500 word essay from my darling. Oh, how he loves his BBA/BA-Psych :)....
  12. MaryJane

    introducing of friends

    If he really is such an asshole, would you want to introduce him to your decent, real friends? Thats not reallly fair on Sally and Amanda is it? Bringing some low-life scum into their lives. Tell him that; "You piece of low-life scum! You're not good enough for my friends! They deserve...
  13. MaryJane

    Ignored :(

    I thought it was pretty obvious. Sorry Laurel, but it does sound as though he's dropped you, or found someone else to occupy his time with. I'd say forget about the prick until he decides to call you. Your future is more important than some long distance relationship with a guy who doesnt...
  14. MaryJane

    Who has said "I LOVE YOU"?

    Of course it would upset him, try being in his shoes. But you did the right thing by telling him the truth. Its best he knows how you feel, and that you're not lying to him, and so when you do tell him, he will know its the truth and from the heart.
  15. MaryJane

    online dating?

    I was being sarcastic; the link between internet dating and rape is no doubt miniscule.
  16. MaryJane

    online dating?

    APVO = Apprehended Personal Violence Order. Or, you can get an ADVO (domestic violence). Night Asy! :)
  17. MaryJane

    online dating?

    Oh, I totally agree, but with the (apparent) high rates of internet dating rapes, who can you trust in this dangerous world? ;) Its just easier to get with someone who you know, and get an APVO out on them if need be.
  18. MaryJane

    online dating?

    I agree with Asy, its a bit of a far jump to say that your internet partner will rape you, and will be the only possible perpetrator. Its all media bullshit. While its true that most rapes are committed by people you know, I'd say that you'd know in advance whether your internet lover is flying...
  19. MaryJane

    online dating?

    Thank you! ...snag ;)
  20. MaryJane

    online dating?

    Maybe to start a friendship, but I'd never have a girlfriend/boyfriend relationship via the internet (unless we were dating and then they went overseas or something). There has to be some degree of physicality.