Search results

  1. MaryJane

    Swimmers Summer '05'

    I have some brand beginning with "f" I think. I got them two years ago up in Surfers and paid a bomb for them. I've only worn them twice so I'll just keep them. But I'd love a black bikini with a little clip or something on the side and in the middle (my current ones have this but made of...
  2. MaryJane

    Do you video tape all the sex you perform?

    I'd be quite concerned if you taped every sex session you ever had. It would be v. planned and boring I'd imagine. That said, we've recorded it once or twice, both dodgy hand-held jobs ('cuse potential pun).
  3. MaryJane

    MQ Open Day 2005

    Yum James! Thanks for that! Steve's dog has an ear infection that for some bizarre reason absolutely stinks, and so you can generally smell him before you can see him. Its disgusting. Luckily we dont have to smell it too often. But he is a lovely dog. Maybe you should bring your farty dog...
  4. MaryJane

    Favourite Scene in a movie

    I love the scene in Centre Stage where they do the whole dance at the end with "Canned Heat" as the theme music. It makes me get up and dance everytime. I want her red points! And Bridget Jones' diary with Colin firth (*melt*) "I like you, just the way you are". *sigh*
  5. MaryJane

    Naughtiest place you've done the deed...

    There should be an "all of the above". I've done it in a few 'naughty' places, like a friends bed while he was asleep on the floor(we were v. drunk and I would never do it again), on the train while people were in the carriage (coming home from Carols in the Domain), parks, cars, bush...
  6. MaryJane

    How do you convince ur parents

    We all do it, including you. p.s. Thank you Go Swans! :)
  7. MaryJane

    MQ Open Day 2005

    Whats all this talk of going home afterwards?! Its conception day guys and girls! We should all just crash on the grass down by the lake, so we wake up with a beautiful view of the sunrise... and be surrounded by ducks. Actually, Steve and I are going to the nekkid Russian Ballet, so we'll...
  8. MaryJane

    MQ Open Day 2005

    Free Mr. Whippy made my day. I should have ordered a bigger icecream (I hear you got sprinkles James?). Lucky! How'd the train go? I would have loved to have done that. I really liked the advising stall, it was pretty easy. I also advised someone while I was on the atrium tent. They were...
  9. MaryJane

    MQ Open Day 2005

    Its going to be a lovely, warm day apparently so dress cool! ...but I'm sure you all will by default, going to MQ and all... So excited! :D
  10. MaryJane

    MQ Open Day 2005

    Dave, have you got any more info about what you're doing tomorrow from your tutor?
  11. MaryJane

    180 Degrees meetings

    Promise? ...ok, then I'll come! :D
  12. MaryJane

    MQ Open Day 2005

    Do you have a BoS shirt?! That would be cool! Or get permanent marker and tattoo yourself in "BoS"?... Go nakie? Wear a wide-brimmed hat with corks hanging off the edges?
  13. MaryJane

    Draft exam timetable is out

    I hope mine stays the same. Friday PSY235, Tues PSY236 and Thurs stat. Also means I'm finishing relatively early (24th), so I'm happy! Is it just me, or are they releasing drafts faster than they used to? Didnt it used to not go up until week 8? And were in, what, week 6?
  14. MaryJane

    MQ Open Day 2005

    Thats odd Dave that you didnt know about the meeting... I'd just ring them up and double-check you're still on the timetable. From memory, there was a David on the timetable, but I dont know whether they were there or not.. Maybe someone from here is paired up with "david"? The meeting was...
  15. MaryJane

    MQ Open Day 2005

    I am so jealous of your camel-riding availability you have no idea! Hmpf. *sits on floor and pouts* He's great with male faces, not female faces from my experience! :p What are your hours Rob? Are you doing the extra training?
  16. MaryJane

    just a fun criminal law question

    I'm really too tired to contribute at all, but I'm going to anyway (if only briefly and most likely inarticulately) Causation would be linked to Smith: the test for criminal causation. Who killed Frank? Technically it was Bob, but mary put Frank in that position. It comes down to what was the...
  17. MaryJane

    MQ Open Day 2005

    I'll be there 9-4 (I'm setting up :( )... I'm hoping to sneak off and have a Camel ride - how exciting!!
  18. MaryJane

    Mentor Leaders

    Nope, what kinda help? Sexual help? ;) Must've been why they called you, mr. Sex god!
  19. MaryJane

    Mentor Leaders

    Ah, is it such a good idea for you to apply to be a mentor when you might be going on exchange? Its never too late to become a mentor. I think Steve and I applied late in second semester last year..
  20. MaryJane

    Mentor Leaders

    I know! It will be like a BoS meetup! Like, how totally rad, cool, awesome bro! Should get some juicy details to add to the "stalking files" in my top draw (with my panties) :D