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  1. jlh

    enrolling tommorow?

    ok i can say that this thread officially applies to me.. LOL.. cuz i'm enrolling tomorrow!! :p i have this feeling its going to be a lengthly process of running around getting signatures for advanced standing and that i won't get the classes i want!! :(
  2. jlh

    BOS Meet-up when Uni Starts

    hahahahahaha.... :p
  3. jlh

    >>Online enrolment variations open!

    you visit your faculty not the student centre to vary your enrolment. your down to 3 already? LOL...i think if i remember correctly, you get another 10 for second semester.
  4. jlh

    course notes

    5-10 minutes isn't bad. if i find the lecture boring i leave half way thru it. just be sure to find out what the lecture is coving in that 5-10 min period.
  5. jlh


    actually in the arvo i get a lift home from my dad. so its not that bad.
  6. jlh

    BOS Meet-up when Uni Starts

    yeah i'll go.. i'll wear my sydney uni jumper!!
  7. jlh

    first day of uni

    but seriously.. yes you turn up to your first lecture. i suggest going to all your first lectures for each subject so that way you find out what you need, eg textbooks, etc. o-week is on during the first week of uni as well, so i guess its up to you if you go to the o-week festivities or...
  8. jlh

    first day of uni

    hahaha... are you sure jezzmo? i thought it was 7 weeks after the first day of uni..
  9. jlh

    course notes

    missing 1 lecture here and there isn't so bad. you can also get notes off someone else or look thru the text. the lectures are just basically the textbook but less brief and spoken... but if you miss consecutive lectures then you might have a problem with the huge amount of work you missed...
  10. jlh


    well i travelled like 2 hours just to get to usyd... macq seems much more of a hassle cuz i gotta change trains and catch a bus... :( plus the train is good for catching up on some sleep and listening to music!!
  11. jlh

    enrolling tommorow?

    what both mktg101 lectures are full? i'm concerned about the friday 3pm one.. i hope thats not full...
  12. jlh


    yeah it does take 2 hours. it might take longer for me since i live further than her!! :( looks like i will be getting home at around 10pm on mondays and wednesdays!! :(
  13. jlh

    getting to Uni of Syd

    its not scary at all.
  14. jlh

    business law

    dingo i like that kitten picture in your signature. did you steal that picture from my website? LOL.. ;)
  15. jlh

    enrolling tommorow?

    yes lets hope they have reserved spots for me!! i've made so many different versions of my stupid timetable just to make it work. I HATE THE MACQ UNI TIMETABLING SYSTEM!!
  16. jlh

    course notes

    i still consult the handbook!! LOL.. to help you guys out!!
  17. jlh

    Taking an external subject.

    in the handbook, page 442, it says its being offered externally in session 2 (X2). it doesn't say which uni its being offered externally at.
  18. jlh

    getting to Uni of Syd

    hahahahahahaha... depends on what time you finish in the afternoon if there is a student crowd walking back. if you finish at like 3pm, there is alot of usyd'ers walking back so there is no need to worry. but there isn't any need to worry if you are walking back at any other time as well...
  19. jlh

    course notes

    doesn't your timetable tell you? does it indicate what weeks the tutes are running from, eg 1-13.?!?!
  20. jlh

    Taking an external subject.

    wow you've already planned out your degree!! LOL.. don't worry i have already! hahahaha.. i'm extremely bored!! as for taking an external subject, that usually means you do the subject at another uni. the hecs fees would still be the same. as for when you do it, you will have to find out...