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  1. M

    HTML editor

    Are extra codes really bad? Do they cause any trouble?
  2. M

    Tutors vs Electronic Tutours

    is it really a computer?
  3. M

    HTML editor

    any way to prevent them from doing that??
  4. M

    Adobe Photoshop

    or Start > Run > type "dxdiag" then wait till it loads.. and u can go to the Display tab to view ur graphic specs (note: which are not relevant in this Photoshop problem) or, Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Information this System Info gives u the actual size of...
  5. M

    HTML editor

    but u cant visualise with notepad... and things like frontpage lists u the links in a HTML file, from where a particular page can be clicked on.
  6. M

    HTML editor

    Okay.. give me a list of programs u want to be put in the poll
  7. M

    HTML editor

    what HTML editor do u use for your sites? Just want to know...
  8. M

    how to resize images in Photoshop (version 7)???

    >> Press the tab key to hide all Photoshop tool palletes << This is useful!! I've been moving it all the time. Thanks :)
  9. M

    Revision before the HSC

    tips: STUDY, read and memorise notes, look at someone else's summary notes and memorise them Files referenced in here might be helpful: Also, practice some HSC questions.. and if it asks to evaluate, dont forget to make a few...
  10. M


    To back me up, (if you suspect the JPG file is not a real sample) And apparently, the Introduction part there says: Exemplar Samples In addition to the student responses that illustrate the...
  11. M

    Adobe Photoshop

    it works on my P2 333MHz, 192MB RAM, hard drive with only less than 1GB left, and 2.5MB video RAM if that's relevant at all. although it IS slow. IF you have the install CD, try uninstalling then reboot, then reinstalling it.
  12. M

    how to resize images in Photoshop (version 7)???

    To change resolution etc, image > image size, or To select only a part of the whole image, image > canvas size (or equvalently, box the part and image > crop)
  13. M


    BTW, in the Ethics - Christianity document, it says: "Catholics believe that the Bible is a direct source of the word of God. Other denominations or groups such as the Evangelical Protestants, however, believe that it is simply mans’ interpretation of the word of God and therefore need not be...
  14. M

    Syllabus Summarys

    Go to the Resources section, 2002_Studies_of_Religon_Note_AllTopics_EricConnerton.doc 1091989691_2004_Studies_of_Religion_Notes_Kimbo.doc 1091989803_2004_Studies_of_Religion_Notes_mafiosa.doc Can't be bothered to give the links... on the SOR page, click on View, then Source. Then in the...
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    Physics Textbook

    really? I havent read any past papers (yes!, lol) but my teacher showed me 1 exemplar band 5/6 answer and it's not really perfect so.. that means its not extremely hard to band 6.
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    Maths... My Favourite Subject

    +/- $100 per person... 6 hours... no...!!
  17. M


    My notes: Sorry took so long... I was improving it a little... I hope it's helpful.
  18. M

    Physics Textbook

    you mean like the increase in mass as an object moves towards the speed of light? im not being serious...
  19. M

    How much left of course?

    yes it does.. took me a while to realise that the wire is tied to the ground though.. (needed to examine ur answer to conclude that).. I was thinking of conical pendulum type object with ur question, the book is correct. mv^2 / r = Tsin60 + 49 where 49 is the horizontal component of force L.
  20. M

    How much left of course?

    oh no.. asking question in the wrong place :p what's the "elevation"? u mean the circle is not horizontal? does the question have a picture to confirm? ur school is so mean, haha..