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  1. abdooooo!!!

    Constant speed of light

    why not? if you're the same speed as the train then you should see the train at the same length... have any scientist actually tried doing that? hahaha make a indestructable train. :p
  2. abdooooo!!!

    Biology and scaling

    i remember when i went to the seimen's science experience in year 9 we got to see dead bodies and lots of arms and brains... and we saw them cutting them body parts to pieces. now thats cool. :D the professor guy forced us to hold the peices of flesh and then tells us the gloves disintegrate...
  3. abdooooo!!!

    Dihydrogen Monoxide The Invisible Killer

    what is this??? hahaha... advanced biology is a lie... they're just chemistry in disguise. :p
  4. abdooooo!!!

    Constant speed of light

    yes... see when the train comes to a sudden halt... i suspect the passegers and the train would just dissipate into little tinny ions or subatomic particles and fly away... :p edit: so you'll weren't see anything at all... but might get struck by red hot particles.
  5. abdooooo!!!

    Marks and Studying

    i remember my parents forcing me to go to tutor... hahaha... i showed them. :D they paid the money i truanted the tutor class... and my parents haven't got an idea what subjects i do except for math and english. when i recieved my philosophy package they were like what is junk why are you...
  6. abdooooo!!!

    The OPTUS NEW plan is out!!!

    no... you're the one who is confused... i was the one who is right... hahaha... i don't know why you're so serious... you got to have a sense of humor idiot. ahahaha. :p edit: sorry for calling you're idiot but its just a joke LOL. ;)
  7. abdooooo!!!

    Biology and scaling

    i think its because the syllabus says hsc science syllabus. ;) Biological Science: A contradiction in terms. ahahaha :p but bio is still the best. :)
  8. abdooooo!!!

    UAI cutoffs for entrance into 2005 courses..

    95.00 + you also need to do umat, and get an estimated uai from your school... then you hope for an interview. :) edit: it used to be 99.75 LOL.
  9. abdooooo!!!

    The OPTUS NEW plan is out!!!

    LOL. then why did you say its $79.95? when you haven't got the letter... hahaha. this is funny :p
  10. abdooooo!!!

    What if i don't get the UAI 4 law?

    some people just don't consider the facts... any job can be profitable if you're really good at it. its all about choosing the one that you'll most likely do well in not because it sounds prestigeous to be one, and also by considering how hard it is to make it to the actual career. the thing...
  11. abdooooo!!!

    Constant speed of light

    hahaha... im remembering something... ahh... can't... i remember reading something about how easy but tricky hsc science is. now thats so true. ;)
  12. abdooooo!!!

    Constant speed of light

    yeah... they have excuses like this is not math its physics. hahaha
  13. abdooooo!!!

    Constant speed of light

    nooo... i knew it after you've enlightened me to the fact Xayma!!! why would they trick you like that??? i suffer many mistakes under oddly worded question that is there to trick you... :p
  14. abdooooo!!!

    Constant speed of light

    no i wasn't saying that... i know the radius thing... i was talking about the T (v) and the T (o) thing... i swapped them two around when i was writing them down for some reason i think... :p
  15. abdooooo!!!

    Constant speed of light

    wait i think... i miss read the question wrote down the number in the wrong way... hahaha. but still it doesn't matter same results produced. yeah you can just assume it and do it like that Wohzazz and get some sort of close answer... but thats the wrong way of doing it. :p what is this...
  16. abdooooo!!!

    Constant speed of light

    LOL. something bad happened to the forum... hey you did it wrong... i think. 65000c is strictly distance and not time, you need to divide by the speed of the of the craft which is x/c because its an unknown, this is how i would set it out: 65000/(x/c) = 45 * root (1- (x/c)^2) if you...
  17. abdooooo!!!

    Constant speed of light

    whats amazing? all i did was memorise the hard issues like pollutions and WW1 and others didn't memorise it that well i guess... but my school sucks... i only got 90 (really low band 6) for comming first in chemistry at school. :( but you'll never know i applied for a re-check... hahaha... i...
  18. abdooooo!!!

    Ednaw = L33t

    you got your notes??? hahaha
  19. abdooooo!!!

    Dihydrogen Monoxide The Invisible Killer

    where the hell did you get them score from??? whats the standard i.e. 100? math?
  20. abdooooo!!!

    past papers with answers???

    Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium... the answer. :)