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  1. D

    University Grades.

    its like the UAI scale scale and scale well its good for uws coz ppls arnt as smart/nerdy so im more likely to get da Ds and HDs, coz its like a HSC/UAI but instead of competing with the whole state, i only compete with uws students !! mueahaehae.. its gonna be a piece of cake :)
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    Student Association

    Do they sell 2nd hand books at the student association?
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    do the B Computing subjects use the same textbooks as the B Scence in IT subjects?
  4. D

    uncomfortable chairs

    its al good malazn,,.. LOL i talk about uws in other uni threads too LOL
  5. D

    Uni Invoices

    cyber sex !
  6. D

    Undergraduate Courses Deleted from UWS

    well study harder for the hsc
  7. D

    University Grades.

    i'll b one of the ones getting HDs
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    yeah i seen her !!! lol god damm i wonder if her hair ever falls out she might go bald man its not good to have hair that long LOL
  9. D

    Uni can be here when ur at uni.

    tip of the century: never attend lectures, just goto tutorials Lectures are a waste of time so are tutorials but they mark the roll so u hafto go :(
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    Uni in sex-for-grades allegations

    hehe transfer to another course at uws then eviltama
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    i like international students
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    Uni can be here when ur at uni.

    im at home on sickleave because i got bitten by a mouse
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    Planet of the apes

    i saw it in da cinemas ages ago
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    Uni in sex-for-grades allegations

    wat i dont like about sydney is ethnic slums suburbs tend to be dominated by a certain ethnic group. i dunno whether people just like living with their own race or they just refuse to assimulate into australian society i recon they should spread everyone apart and have a quota on how many...
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    Uni in sex-for-grades allegations

    well all my lecturers have turned up soo far
  16. D

    How HUGE is the Workload?!

    i did all my homework in week 1 then in week 2 i didnt do no homework for week 3 tomorow is week 3 and i havnt done n e homework oh shit i better at least do the homework for tomorow in around 5 minutes from posting this message lol getting lazy already after only 1 week of uni blahhh...
  17. D

    William Hung "She bangs"

    Rahul i like your avatar.. looking gewd bra LOL LOL LOL
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    sure mate ask n e 1 and dey will say parra is better than hawkesberry !! haha n e wayz dey do teacher business (tourism) and business (hospitality) at campbelltown or blacktown
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    workshop confirmation emails

    yeh wtf why cant dey send it all at once
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    William Hung "She bangs"

    fark im gonna support william hung im gonna cop his album and goto his concert lol