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  1. D

    Business + Computing

    so what's the 5 subjects that didnt get exempt and didnt get transfered over ?
  2. D

    Study Groups

    dont u rather study in private though u concentrate better :)
  3. D

    UWS diaries suxs so bad...

    im gonna travel to all 6 campuses and get a diary from each campus i wanna see wat the difference is with all the diarys hahaha
  4. D

    Business + Computing

    i see jase-REX transfered into this course so what subjects did you get exempt?
  5. D


    would these subjects get substituted for these subjects as so.. UWS ----------------------------------- UTS Marketing Principles -------------------> Marketing Foundations Introductory Economics ---------------> Economics for Business Accounting Reports and Decisions ------> Accounting for...
  6. D

    Accounting in Australia

    which chapters does Accounting 1A do? and which chapters does Accounting 1B do?
  7. D

    Accounting Reports and Decisions

    for the people who done this subject already can you tell me how many chapters of the textbook (Accounting in Australia) does this subject cover?
  8. D

    Accounting in Australia

    for this 'Accounting in Australia' textbook how many chapters each does the 2 core 1st year accounting subjects cover of this book?
  9. D


    shuttup you noob
  10. D

    AMI or CPM ?

    before i asked whats better between CPA and CA and the answer i got is CA now im asking what is better between AMI and CPM ?? AMI is Australian Marketing Institute and CPM is Certified Practising Marketer is CPM the marketing equivalent of CPA (Certified Practising Accountant)?
  11. D

    Introductory Economics

    accounting reports and decisions is bullshit man introductory economics is bullshit but i learned some new things oh my favourite subject is marketing principles hahaah the book is easy to understand too ! not like all my other textbooks.. gotta read it twice to understand it, and read...
  12. D


    parra is only hot coz im there muahahahaah j/kz
  13. D

    Study Groups

    why is everyone talking about Study Groups on WebCT ?? what actually is a study group? and what do peoples do? do they really just get together with strangers and study? or do they want to make friends with new people?
  14. D

    UWS diaries suxs so bad...

    do all campuses giv out Different Diaries? or are they identical from campus to campus?
  15. D


    r u saying chicks at uws suck? maybe you should consider lookin in the mirror they probably think the same bout you :P
  16. D

    uncomfortable chairs

    i dont remember wat sorta chairs i was sitting on man i dont even take notice its only a chair who givs a cow lol
  17. D

    Introductory Economics

    oh i know the homework now Chap1 P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7 Chap2 P1, P2, P4 fark does n e 1 know how to do Chap1 P4(a) ???
  18. D

    Parra Campus

    hahahaha LOL
  19. D

    How HUGE is the Workload?!

    yeh i gotta presentation to do next week too ! i hate uni too much freaken work i never knew reading one whole chapter from a textbook can be so time consuming let alone answer the questoins and do dis and dat fark!
  20. D

    Introductory Economics

    u better do your homework man its worth 5% of final mark