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  1. MaryJane

    summer classes???

    They are... like twice the price or something... and you have to pay upfront- no HECS :(
  2. MaryJane

    summer classes???

    Summer classes are determined by demand- they've never run a psych one, especially not for first year units. Generally they're the more mathsy sorta ones, like STAT170, but not humanities. Some laws are but... thats about it. ...But I guess if enough people fail psych then they'll have one...
  3. MaryJane

    Contracts Cases...Help!

    I feel totally bludgy doing this, but my exam is on Friday morning, and I've just discovered while compiling a case book to take to the exam that I dont have the fact pattern or outcome for two cases... was wondering if you darlings could help? Foran v Wight (1989) - dont need the fact...
  4. MaryJane

    How've your exams been so far?

    I finish this friday with contracts thank god! I get to de-stress and kill off those brain cells with two 21st parties; one on friday night and one on saturday- I cant wait! :D I'm dying to watch Oprah (shutup, its cool).. I keep tearing myself away from the TV... its so difficult!
  5. MaryJane

    MAQ ARTS students help me please!!

    Doesnt it say on their individual websites? It used to... back in the day... if you run a search on the MQ website for each of them, it shoud come back with their site, which lists assessment info.
  6. MaryJane


    three questions is better than the last few years: they've had 4 questions, one of which was a theory question.. thats why we have 3 this year, they're reforming the course because so many people have been failing (according to the rumour mill). Ive just got her lecture notes and some book...
  7. MaryJane


    Totally agree re: the questions and what it wants. I was going to start today, but somehow its now nearly 5... But not all is lost: I'm meeting friends at the Ranch to "study" contracts.. we'll see how it goes. I'm going to try and make a little sheet/book with the law on it, but theres like...
  8. MaryJane

    MQ BoS Meetup?

    lol, oh yeah punk, we are the two hardest asses on campus! Mess with us, and mess with... us! If you saw us, you must have seen cyan too! Was there a third person with us?!
  9. MaryJane

    Contract Law - I need legal advice....

    ...Is this legit?! Or some crazy UWS law question?
  10. MaryJane

    MQ BoS Meetup?

    Thats how I'll be I think... hanging around on the outside of the circle, only problem is that....three people, or maybe 4 know what I look like, and thus will hunt me down and stop my stalking fun :(
  11. MaryJane

    Presents for your significant other

    I had to read this twice, I thought you said that you got him all this... was a tad confuso. I thought "thats one kinky, open relationship!"
  12. MaryJane

    nymphomanic? y is it ok 4 guys..

    I dont think such double-standards exist anymore.. or if they do, my friends are just mature enough to take it as it is: a girl expressing herself. I think it would be sexier for guys if a girl showed her need for all things sexy (unless, I guess, its like dirty slutty). Meh, either way, I...
  13. MaryJane

    just say u failed ....

    Technically, you shouldnt be able to... but you never know... most units specify explicitly whether you need to pass the final exam to pass the course in my experience (ie. stat, but then that was pretty obvious as the final was worth 70%)
  14. MaryJane

    just say u failed ....

    No, no I agreed, but called you Boink in my pm to Fornie... oopsa! :) According to the handbook you do. Its either 104, or a GPA of 2.5... but then, I know they allow exceptions for students coming from different uni's half way through the year to let them do 105 without 104, and they have...
  15. MaryJane

    just say u failed ....

    Check your pm's Dave (and replace Boink with OJ):) But yeah, you fail a final exam worth more than 50, and you fail the course (unless its a PC).
  16. MaryJane

    How've your exams been so far?

    Oh, well, actually I dont know whether we really needed one or not to tell you the truth. I had a friend call me at 4.30 asking me whether I'd done one (at this stage I was already at uni) and I said no, and so emailed her one when I got home. I dont see why they would need one: mine consisted...
  17. MaryJane

    How've your exams been so far?

    Oh gosh, can you teach Steve and I? We've made a deal: he'll teach me Darren's stuff, and I'll teach him neuropsych by Coltheart... but neither of us have actually listened to the lectures (since being in the lectures)... I think I just want to re-learn wenderoth's stuff on a superficial...
  18. MaryJane

    How've your exams been so far?

    What is psy232? Is that health psych (that was such a random guess!) See you tomorrow bright and early at 8! :D
  19. MaryJane

    How've your exams been so far?

    I've had two.. Social psych was ok, I was happy with it. Finished crim today, all was fine until I got to uni and realised that I didnt have a bibliography, so when I got home I emailed my tutor it, and then realised that I didnt write the word count on the sheet... So I had to email her again...
  20. MaryJane

    Criminal law

    I've finished!! And you know what? It is exactly 2000 words: no joking or bullshitting the word count either! But I'm afraid of writing 2000...