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  1. T

    English: Avanced or Standard

    Yeah, your right.
  2. T

    Catholic Schools

    Catholic schools...bah! Theres no need for them, you get a better education at a public school, with real teachers.
  3. T

    Bit of a problem!

    She just wants attention. Don't get her a dog, she'd probably kill it! Get her a blow up man so she can stab it and do her satanic rituals on it, instead of herself.
  4. T

    Which is the skankiest grade?

    At our school its year 9...they stick so bad!!! They are in serious need of some god damn deoderant!!! Honestly, when you walk into the room you nearly suffocate...its disgusting. Also, year 7 are little shits...I just wanna whach them across the head...they are in serious need of good beatings...
  5. T

    Muckup Day/Week: Ideas, Photos Etc

    It wasn't for muck up day, but just some fun. A friend brought some "Double D" lollies to school. Well apparently these lollies have a laxative effect!!! It was so funny...unfortunately, the Head Teacher HSIE found out and told us to stop or I'd loose my captaincy. We were planing to give them...
  6. T

    Mock Trialers!!!

    Thats shite haus...I hope we can do it next year!!!!!!!!!
  7. T

    Happy September 11th!

    Yeah...10,000 dead really compares with Saddams million. In the process of these 10,000 dying, a free, liberal nation has been formed. Under Saddams million, a nation of anarchism and crime was about. Wake up.
  8. T

    What happened to the great debate :(

    Apparently it got deleted. Its all because of you neo_o...Asquithian couldn't answer your well based, logical questions.
  9. T

    Bit of a problem!

    Agreed, get her to see the school counsellor. However, in the end, he has to do whats best for him...he cant risk being with a psycho.
  10. T

    do u think voting should be optional

    It so is. When the council wanted us to become a city, the residents complained and we remained a town. Out of the 60,000-80,000 people only about 9,000 are in the youth catergory...were the retirement capital of NSW!!!
  11. T

    Mock Trialers!!!

    Thats come you get to do mock trials and we dont? Is it like an inter-schools challenge thing? I'll tell ya why we cant do it! Its because Carr and his commos dont want kids living in regional areas having the same opportunities as those living in the city!!! Its unfairs I'se...
  12. T

    do u think voting should be optional

    I know...and look at the dick head they have in power...he's a total dumbass.
  13. T

    Help Fo Next Yr Subject Selection!!!

    History you live in Sydney???
  14. T

    do u think voting should be optional

    Yeah...there not. Besides, the new National candidate came from Taree...and nobody liked him...except for the hardline nationals. Everyone else voted for our independent, Rob.
  15. T

    ... 27 Lies and Counting

    I will. :uhhuh:
  16. T

    crazy or childish obessions

    We used to trade in our milk boxes (the ones you got for 90c) for 10 cents...and for that 10c you take the money or get some lollies...ah...they were the days. Now its like $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 for a milk and $1,000 for a snake...totally ridiculous.
  17. T

    do u think voting should be optional

    We were a National Blue Ribbon seat, until our MP changed from Nationals to Independent. It worked to...he got re-elected by a huge majority and he's got most of the communities support. Federally we're still National though...and I doubt that will change.
  18. T

    All you wanna be lawyers...

    Yeah...I guess I am to really.
  19. T

    do u think voting should be optional

    I thought Ballina was way bigger than that. You have to have 40,000 people in an electorate. I come from Port Macquarie...we have about 60,000 and are 400kms from Sydney. But like I said before, from 30,000 something votes, only 300 odd were informal.
  20. T

    do u think voting should be optional really only matters what area you live in. Everyone in our community had an invested interest in who got in to State Parliament. Well, not everyone but most of them did. Put it this way, the guy that got in, Rob Oakeshott got 73% of the votes...after the first count.