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  1. T

    The Woolworths Thread

    Hey Guys,a question re: pay I worked Monday, 6.30-9.30. My 16th Birthday(which means a payrise) was on the Tuesday. What happens with pay? Do I get Monday at my old rate of pay and the rest of the week at my new rate? or do I just get the old rate this week and get paid on the new rate for the...
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    The Woolworths Thread

    Got the letter from SDA today.
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    The Woolworths Thread

    Just got a letter from SDA. WA Woolworths employees get a pay increase on Janurary 4th 2010,with back pay from August 1st 2009! Fantastic! $$$$!!
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    The Woolworths Thread

    My Christmas Roster: Monday 6.30-9.30 Tuesday 6.30-9.30 Wednesday 6.39-9.30 Thursday 1.30-6.30 Saturday 2.00-5.30 Sunday 2.00-5.30 All Shifts are SCO,Except for Boxing Day.
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    The Woolworths Thread

    Got my new shirts today. What is with the O O under the logo?
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    The Woolworths Thread

    Hi Guys, On Monday Night,I will be training one of my colleagues in Self Serve. Here is what I am planning on covering with her: Opening/Closing Machines Printing Cashier Barcodes Changing Receipt Rolls Green Lights Own Bag Stuff Explain the Customer Interface How to Reboot the machines What...
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    The Woolworths Thread

    Lucky You. We close the doors at 5/6/9(depending on the closing time). After Approx. 10 Minutes, They do the following Announcement: "Attention Customers.As the time is now past X O`clock,this store is officially closed. Please assist us by making your way towards the checkouts to finalise...
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    The Woolworths Thread

    The hardest part is having to wait for the store to close before you can start.
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    The Woolworths Thread

    Question for SCO Attendants: What do people do If a SCO freezes mid-transaction? I know you would have to reboot the machine(via CTRL+ALT+DELETE), But What happens If it is Mid Transaction and you can`t save the transaction? It hasn`t happened to me yet,but If it is going to happen anytime,it...
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    The Woolworths Thread

    No,There is no hard block. I am 15 and my Number works on Smokeshop. I have only worked in there once,but I have logged in many times to collect tills at the end of the night and to grab extra change for people.
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    The Woolworths Thread

    I am casual. I turn 16 in 18 days. :)
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    The Woolworths Thread

    What is the WA Pay rise at 16?
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    The Woolworths Thread

    Have had my shift for tomorrow cut down from 9.5 Hours to 5.5 Hours. I have no idea how they are gonna cope. Today was crazy. Apparently our whole store is over budget this week for wages. :(
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    The Woolworths Thread

    Here`s What I would be hopping for: - Fix the Envirobag Problem. This is NUMBER ONE priority. It is annoying,each time that someone uses an envirobag,the machine goes"Unexpected Item in the Bag Area. - A screen that comes up after people sign(on credit) that says "Please Wait for Signature...
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    The Woolworths Thread

    I don`t often use the PA(Only when I`m on SCO),But when I do, I usually just go " Grocery,Please call to SCO,Grocery"
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    The Woolworths Thread

    Our close call is always done 5-10 minutes after close,and it goes like this: "Attention Customers.As the time is now past 5/6/9 oclock,this store is officially closed. We would like to ask you to assist us by making your way towards the checkouts,and finalizing your purchases. And we would...
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    The Woolworths Thread

    I disagree that only The "Rich,Snobbish" parts of Perth get the extended Trading. If Some places get it,everywhere should.
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    The Woolworths Thread

    Our store don`t have any of these phones. Our Front End consists of: Service Desk: - Fixed Phone - Microphone Checkouts - Bells(About 3 for the entire front end) and lights. Liquor - Microphone - Fixed Phone. I wish we had phones...
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    The Woolworths Thread

    Our Store is open boxing day Saturday for the first time ever. and guess who will be put in self-serve? :(
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    The Woolworths Thread

    Has anyone seen the new internal sustanability advert? I saw it on WoWTV while I was on Lunch Yesterday.