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  1. J

    New logo, branding, etc

    Re: New-look website ah damn, must be my browser.
  2. J

    New logo, branding, etc

    Re: New-look website Farking idoits don't even know the alphabet Programs by Code - 2009 Course Handbook - Macquarie University Mine comes under "F" The "All" button doesn't work either.
  3. J

    What's a risk capital model?

    Anyone know what it is? I don't remember learning specifically about a "risk capital model". Is it just when you have risky assets and are trying to minimise the correlation between them? Thanks :)
  4. J

    Actuarial Studies, but shaky at math

    You're probably right, i'm just going by what my friends (going into 4th year) have told me. I guess on the first day of class they'll be able to give a definite answer. They did say that it gets easier in 4th year, but i dunno, i'm happy just doing 3rd year of my finance degree.
  5. J

    The Inauguration of President Obama

    Re: The Inguration of President Obama Before or after he gets shot in the head by the KKK?
  6. J

    Actuarial Studies, but shaky at math

    Yea, even then ~30% of them don't finish.
  7. J

    Forum upgrade at midnight tonight

    Why dont you rep me so we can try out the rep system? :)
  8. J

    hardest degrees

    98% of all statistics are made up. For real!
  9. J

    estudent wont let me enroll.

    bahhh! this new website blows! First it doesn't even work, and second it wastes the space on the sides of the screen. You can use the old handbook (2008 and before) in the meantime, Macquarie University 2008 Handbook: ACCG100 , just change the unit code.
  10. J

    "Uni Grades are completely irrelevant to employers"

    Well I thought that we were discussing with respect to new graduates/undergraduate opportunities not people further into their careers.
  11. J

    How Hard Is University?

    All we get (doing finance) is a list of the topics we'll cover each week.
  12. J

    How Hard Is University?

    Most likely from tutorials Not a Dot-Point syllabus like HSC
  13. J

    "Uni Grades are completely irrelevant to employers"

    False. I applied for numerous interships in the financial sector last year and most (if not all) explicitly stated that you NEED a Credit average to progress to the next stage. After the first stage though my grades were not even mentioned. So grades might not be the MOST important things for...
  14. J

    The Coles Thread

    I want to work as a night fill person. Should I just go and ask the local manager? Or are the jobs listed online the only ones available?
  15. J

    Registration is open NOW! HURRY!!
  16. J

    Your feelings towards internationals.

    I don't know what abhorrent means, but please use paragraphs and capital letters at the start of sentences.
  17. J

    bombed out in the trials.

    Your screwed, end it now.
  18. J

    Whos Playing the ASX sharegame?

    The highest person has only $51,287.42 (everyone starts with $50,000), so why are you lying?