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  1. K

    Early Results Release - MQ

    3 of my friends got 75 for one subject, which I got 85:P (probably topped that subject with 85 lolol, only 6ppl enrolled xD) pretty sure the marks for my subjects are finalized, as the pre-final and final sng is so different :X
  2. K

    Bachelor of Arts or SIBT?

    at MQ you have score 85 or above to get HD, I think accounting should be harder than finance lol
  3. K

    How much Math is needed for Commerce

    Around 30% people will fail in acst101, and 10% of them don't even go to the final exam. A lot of people don't even attempt the first few tutorial questions prior to the tute. Then not trying the tutorial questions in the tutorial and just waiting for the solution. If you struggle in maths...
  4. K

    UNSW vs. MQ for actuarial (POLL!)

    Actuarial studies is easy.......... I remember 150 was doing my first actuarial studies course, and left with 70 doing the second half of the CT5 course :P why you no put B Actuarial studies with B science (stat) for mq :newburn:
  5. K

    Stat/micro tutor

    why not just going to the consultation time? I got all HDs in my econ and stat subjects ;P
  6. K

    MQ Chatter Thread

    I'm doing ACST101 a tutor:P
  7. K

    Easy 100 level units.

    MATH135: my friend just did 2unit (he got high band 4 or very low band5) got a credit with it. MATH132: most ppl got D/HD where they got high E3 or E4 in extension 2 maths
  8. K

    Easy 100 level units.

    Simply because it can easily boost up your GPA with minimum effort, higher gpa generally better lol
  9. K

    Easy 100 level units.

    acst152 is actually pretty easy lol. but you need to be good at statistic. anyway if you looking for some easy HD and good at maths (good at 2unit maths is sufficient) can go for econ131 stat175 dem127 quite a lot of easy maths involve there and workload really light they don't really have...
  10. K


    one of my friend ( accounting graduate from Macquarie) said it is not hard to get HD in ACCG subjects if you put effort in except for the capstone one, but he did suffer abit from the law unit (3 in total he got like 2Cs and 1D and almost all his ACCG units are like HD) accg200 definitely...
  11. K

    Business & Economics Subject Review Thread

    As I saw someone said AFIN252 is so difficult, I might actually do a review for it Unit Code: AFIN252 Difficulty: Difficult ( easy if you did put effort in your first year prereq in accg106/accg100,econ111/bba103,acst101,stat170/171) Lecturer: Lindsay Stubbs Tutor: Yunping Chen...
  12. K

    Stat171, ilearn videos?

    I bought the textbook and never use it at all. First topic just revision of high school stat such as the charts, mean, median, mode, standard deviation..etc Then you start to learn some simple probability with perms and combination and Bayess theorem. Third and Forth topics are random variable...
  13. K


    you sure you need them? I think the notes from mq is sufficient for the external exams anyway
  14. K


    might change econ241 to math109 though :P
  15. K

    What should I combine actuarial with?

    Commerce/ Finance/ Economics if you going for the investment part. Statistic is good to double if you going for general insurance or jobs with calculating odds(casino type lol). Don't really know about life insurance, maybe maths or stat??
  16. K

    Actuarial Studies

    Somehow I found actuarial studies really easy and boring lol. Around 150 started the first year actuarial studies courses and down to 70-80 doing the second CT5 exemption unit and probably a bit more than half get the exemption. (not compulsory to enroll though) Last semester I went like <10%...
  17. K

    Stat171, ilearn videos?

    (I assume you doing actuarial studies, otherwise you should take stat170!) You don't need to worry about this subject pretty much, it is quite easy. It is just introduction of statistic where you need to know how to apply the statistical tests without knowing the proofs. (you learn the...
  18. K


    both econ110 and econ111 are quite easy, you don't really need high school economics at all. All you need are some simple maths and know those graphs. I didn't do economics for my hsc and I got HD in both subjects
  19. K

    FOBE200 - Serious Games in Business

    Have been invited for FOBE200/300 since 2012, not gonna do them at all. Just check out your degree rules, most degrees require 39 minimum credits point for 200level and above, so you can do maximum 10 100level units for a single degree without exceeding 69 credit points.
  20. K

    How to become a tutor at Mq?

    Actually 4th year actuarial studies students can apply as a tutor. There are couple of tutors who are 4th year last years and this years :) D is only minimum requirement, and I don't think D is actually enough though.