(yes wiki moron that would explain why the centre for social policy research is at unsw.)
of course you can transfer if your marks are good enough. but the competition is pretty tough, coz that's wat lots of ppl plan to do. just because the cut-off is 90 doesn't mean there aren't heaps of ppl...
so true, sorry to people trying to sell themselves but you really don't need and probably shouldn't have a tutor for 4 unit - having someone edit an early draft and your final copy is a good idea but if you need the constant and intensive assistance that comes with a tutor you should probably...
i rckn if you did it part time you'll be bored out of your brain with only 6 hours at uni (or 2 if you're lazy) and end up dropping out... but hey, that's just me. You get so much more out of doing it full time - particularly on the social side as you have more classes to see people in and...
lol. no i was on the friday before that. simone seemed alrite when i had my interview... maybe she was just in a good mood coz the weekend was coming up. thanks for the super advice :) . yippee cleaning cant wait!!
yay! i got offered a job! ive got a training session at north sydney not this friday but the one after. Woohhoo! what should i wear? esp since u guys all have ur special uniforms. any suggestions?
i know someone who said they were available all holidays and signed contract or wateva u call it to be a xmas casual etc.etc. and then his boss at Myer gave him the choice between losing his job or going on holidays when he said he would be going away for 5 days and it became a whole big drama...
Ok, so I thought humanity was selfish but u srsly know ppl who just click on all the texts to return them just in case they need to read it? That’s ridiculous. And yes, two weeks would probably work for textbooks for the whole semester but sometimes you need books sooner than that. Especially in...
deal with it
maybe im missing something but i dont quite see the problem. if ur going to complain about something complain about the fact that dispite having their books recalled people don't return them so you end up waiting for a text for 6 weeks by which time the due date is passed and you...
the global stream. thought about changing to the development stream this semester but COMD subject clashed with international relations so yup there you go. global.
?????... in the arts faculty you sign up for your tutorials in your first lecture unless you are informed otherwise. and since clearly you havnt been it will be in your first lecture.
i live in epping.
hmm.. i'll check out wellbeing. although the only ones i know of are QVB and other city places... i wonder if they have one at macquarie. i'll check it out. sounds like an idea.
There are plenty of texts you could use. I think last year I used Big Fish and a Virginia Woolf autobiography. Although Big Fish actually links better with "red" with the use of colour but anyway its still relevant. Another film you could use is A Beautiful Mind. Oh, and you could also use...
No i havnt been to interviews for most of them. Most of them didn't even reply even though they had signs up looking for people. Thanks for your advice, I'll keep trying.
Ok so I don't have a job. I'm 17, at uni and have no work experience. I need a job. I don't have one. And i have been trying for six months and I am getting very tired. what should i do??? What have other people in my situation done?
I have applied to
*woolworths and associated companies -...