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  1. C

    Anyone else scared?

    ((This is a forced-reply, thanks to the nice little, friendly bluey-banner that spans across my 'BoS Experience'™)) *ahem* I feel as though with each new class I encounter, another 19 tonne weight has been placed somewhat carefully on my head. Okay, so it's probably not that bad, but to the...
  2. C

    Johns Internet - Bastards

    I thought they used your ANU quota? It would make sense because you have to login to use the wireless service.
  3. C

    Johns Internet - Bastards

    Well, in that case, who's up for going to union court on our Wi-Fi enabled laptops and using our own quota's up until 12am of a night? :P
  4. C

    O Week 2006 - The Program

    A price, but 30% off? Hmmm...
  5. C

    O Week 2006 - The Program

    What's fantasy island? *confused*
  6. C

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    Grrr. *angry* (Hehe, you remember that? 'Aaaannnnggggrrrryyy!!!!' :p) I hate you. And this timetable. *sulks in corner* *shoots everyone on the forehead with a sticky-gum-glitter-dart* But at least we get to do Gender studies together. Why I chose it, I'm unsure. :p *runs away*
  7. C

    Are you going to PEA day? (Find out what it is inside!)

    Honours? Wini? Sauerkraut? Is there some sort of connection there, or am I just plain dumb? :p I haven't even got my brain around 2nd year where I hope to go overseas. *sings* California here we come, right back where we've started from... *cough* ahem. I mean Mekanism:
  8. C

    The LJ ANU Community -- Would recommend that you all join up with LJ (if you haven't already) and add to the giant melting pot. :p
  9. C

    Are you going to PEA day? (Find out what it is inside!)

    Sorry Slidey, I intended to create this thread, then got ambushed. :p I'm not going because I don't need to plan any majors as I did that on orientation day. However, I'm sure we could all get together one time. O-week for sure, if not the Sunday before then.
  10. C

    'ANU Pre-departure Information Evening' - Thurs. 2nd Feb 2006

    ANU hasn't taken down the old page. :p (for what reason, I dunno.) Try this link instead:
  11. C

    'ANU Pre-departure Information Evening' - Thurs. 2nd Feb 2006

    PEA day - Pre Enrollment Advice day. Here's a snippet from the ANU site: The info night is held in Sydney, on the night after the PEA day. Oh, and as for my offer pack? No. Mine hasn't arrived yet, however, I did get that letter...
  12. C

    'ANU Pre-departure Information Evening' - Thurs. 2nd Feb 2006

    lol, just because you have to attend PEA day. :p *thanks Eleanor for designing such a good degree*
  13. C

    'ANU Pre-departure Information Evening' - Thurs. 2nd Feb 2006

    Went out to collect the mail this morning but instead of an offer pack, I discovered an invitation to the Novotel for a set of information sessions. They also mention something along the lines of accepting the offer, but I dunno. Who's intending to go? I can quote the letter here, if you'd like.
  14. C

    University ID numbers?

    Thanks for that. :) -- I sent the forms off ID-less anyway. As you've suggested I can just call them so they can put my ID down anyway.
  15. C

    So who got an offer?

    Dickson and O'Connor are close to the ANU. 10 min bus ride north. You'll get offered SOMETHING, just give them time. As others have said, call the info line and tell it to them like it is. You don't have to accept on the UAC site - the ANU sees as you paying your GSF as 'formal' acceptance...
  16. C

    University ID numbers?

    I was looking over B&G's accommodation papers, and noticed that they require you to write your uni ID down. This wouldn't be a problem, except that I do not yet possess a uni ID and am wondering whether the uni will send it out in the offer pack. That or I just send the forms ID-less and call...
  17. C

    So who got an offer?

    I've got into B&G. They sent me an email yesterday about my accommodation offer - so I'm filling up the forms and putting them in on Monday. Should be fine, cb. ;)
  18. C

    O Week 2006 - The Program

    Joca, thanks for the program :) One question though - where'd you find it? I thought I had searched entire ANU site today looking for it, so obviously you know something I don't. :p
  19. C

    Official Thread of the MHS Mafia

    *pokepokepokepokepoke* I'm back. Bwahahaha.