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  1. G

    Take a stab @ my UAI

    Haha.. I know this is funny isn't it, another prediction. But I guess I might as well jump on the bandwagon and piss more people off and conform to this UAI gang bang by adding my ranks. Adv. English - 11/97 Biology - 3/45 PE - 1/38 Food Tech - 1/15 (lamest subject ever, dont do it) Visual...
  2. G

    The Pill

    OMG! Yes, I'm on Yasmin, works a treat, although is a tad expensive. I remember the first time I started taking it.. woah.. I felt so sick, really nauseated for about 3-4 days. It was crazy, I thought I was getting sick! Guess it was the body getting used to the new levels of hormones in the...
  3. G

    Help! Question on AOS essay!!

    Hey there all.. Just wondering.. you know in the AOS essay question where it says you must refer to your prescribed text, a stimulus book text and one other related text of your own choosing... Does that mean I can use another text from the Stimulus book?? :( For example Prescribed Text -...
  4. G

    How far would you be willing to travel to see your love?

    I'd travel any distance to see my guy. I mean, I'd travel to the other side of the world just to see him. He's my everything and I couldn't imagine life without him. We're already sharing a long distance relationship.. he goes to Uni in Sydney during the week and them comes home (to...
  5. G

    The Pill

    I'm on the pill called 'Yasmin' So far it has been fantastic. No weight gain, although the typical 'weight gain' most young women describe is actually fluid retention. There is a chemical in some versions of the pill (particularly cheaper versions) that exhibit this characteristic. For Yasmin...
  6. G

    Food Technology - general thoughts

    Yeah, thought the exam was really good... Multi-choice was easy... extended responses were easy and.. yeah.. generally all round, good exam.. thank god.. i was stressing about it majorly
  7. G

    PDHPE exam was a sick joke

    i thought it was a frikken pathetic exam... part one was reasonable.. i was feeling quite comfortable.. then the options just screwed me over... like.. "when the hell did we do that?!" it was boring as batshit too.. nothing of interest to write about... would of loved to of had some stuff...