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Fequently Asked Questions MENU
Which is better, one on one coaching or group coaching?
We offer both, but all our observed data and reading suggest that students learn far better in a group situation. In coaching...
I have done 16 years of one-to-one tution. Mostly home tuition. At that time I could not even imagine anything better.
13 years ago, I was challenged by my neice to check out small group tuition at Master Coaching. I sat up the back of a small classroom, and watched 3 small classes being...
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go to Parents & Students menu - select locations
see if they have a location near you.
also download fully worked solutions to last years HSC maths papers
good luck in your study
That's 2 hours in total 5 times a week. Homework & STUDY. To cover the 2 & 3 & 4 unit material all together. Most schools ask you to still sit the 2 unit assessment tasks just incase you drop back to 3u before the HSC, and your school would like some 2 unit scores upon which to compute a...
As a rough guide - 2 hours homework & study 5 times a week.
As a rough guide - If you are in the top 1/3 fo your 3u group, and are achieving those result with less than 1 hour homework & study 5 times a week, then 4u could be for you.
Roughly speaking 4U requires double the time of 3u. So...
Mean Maths Teacher said to Irritating Student "I have forgotten more maths than you will ever learn son"
Bad Habits – A Geography Teacher – in a 40 minute lesson said over 50 ‘nows’ and over 40 ‘OKs’
Teacher had his car repainted from grey to white.
Student said “washed your car sir?”...
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Master Coaching Hurstville
worth a look
say hi to Harry for me
good luck
PS. National website
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Master Coaching Hurstville at
worth a look
say hi to Harry for me
good luck
PS. National website is
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Master Coaching New Lambton
Master Coaching Newcastle
Master Coaching New Lambton
Alan Noble
Suite 4 87 Regent Street
New Lambton NSW 2305
PO Box 220
New Lambton NSW 2305
Ph: 02 4957 9050
Mob: 0421800126
Fax: 02 4957 9060