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  1. jjnn

    Transferring to Medicine through UMAT

    how is it wrong? I go to unsw and I asked and this is what they told me. What part of it is wrong?
  2. jjnn

    Course help!!

    No offence but much of your reasons to get into medicine is to get the money, and then you say your unsure if the amount of work you put in to get minimal return like lower pay at the beginning and night shifts, etc might not be worth the money later on. In all honesty, medicine is not about the...
  3. jjnn


    HECS is a government loan for commonwealth supported places (assuming you are one), while fee-help is by a private provider. You can receive both but get ready for a BIG loan afterwards since you will have to pay back both the government and the private company you loaned from. HECS only pays...
  4. jjnn

    UCAT entry levels?

    I forgot to mention, if your wondering about the marks you need to get in, that's entirely dependent on your atar score and the interview. I have seen and heard of alot of people getting 98 and 99+ atars and still not getting into med. As well as hearing alot of people get 90+ percentile in umat...
  5. jjnn

    Medical Science: UTS or Macquarie

    I would suggest MQ since if your planning to do postgraduate medicine at MQ, that way you can get in with a lower gpa/wam in your med sci degree since you studied at their university. However, UTS is good to if you are wanting to study pharmacy as a postgraduate as they may be able to low the...
  6. jjnn

    Is there a way to study Film and Business at the same time? What ATAR is required?

    The university of Newcastle offers a course called Bachelor of creative industries which covers everything from film production, to photography to acting, basically everything. The atar I think is 60 but the median is a 70 atar. With business as well they have a Bachelor of Creative Industries...
  7. jjnn

    Uni trouble????

    Depending on the university you attend, usually if you fail a class, you retake it. But failing one test worth 15% won't mean much. However, if you fail another exam then usually they take you in for assessment and see what went wrong and whether you should continue your studies with a retake OR...
  8. jjnn

    UCAT entry levels?

    I don't quite understand what your asking since you are talking about UCAT then asked about what they might ask in interviews, and entwined the two topics. But for your question about what they ''probs be asking for in terms of entry into medicine/dentistry'', (assuming you mean what they will...
  9. jjnn

    bounce back with trials?

    Trust me, no matter how bad you do in your internal assessments, trials are always the ones that make or break someone's internal rank. This is from experience, I was in the bottom 25th percentile in all my subjects, except physics where I was in the top 10th percentile (+90th percentile), and...
  10. jjnn

    Can I still get a band 6

    Your marks are really good, and your rank is really good as well, (Being in the top 20th percentile especially in English, means your on track), but anything can happen. From the ranks you gave me and the high marks you have received, I'm really concerned for you and your school because your...
  11. jjnn

    how many female unsw engo scholarships are given out

    Yes they are EXTREMELY strict with the 93 atar, however you can transfer to engineering after one year of another degree, or you can apply to UNSW FEAS (serch it up since it is long to explain and the website explains more then enough on it). The amount of scholarships they give for the womens...
  12. jjnn

    Electrical Engineering at MQ

    For engineering, UNSW is best in the southern hemisphere, but that doesn't answer your question. Basically people who choose engineering would usually either pick unsw or anywhere else. Between MQ and UTS, there both good unis but UTS used to be good at engineering, what I mean by that is they...
  13. jjnn

    Transferring to Medicine through UMAT

    You can only do undergraduate medicine at unsw if you're in your first year of a degree at unsw or your in year 12, (or second year of med science through their lateral entry but that's another topic). Your only other option to get into medicine is to do postgraduate at usyd, anu, wollongong or...
  14. jjnn

    (QLD) Medicine Transfer

    The best to transfer to medicine/dentistry in QLD would be JCU. The degree doesn't matter as long as you get the marks. my friend did science at jcu for one year then transferred to dentistry after one year, so it is possible. Remember that external transfer to jcu med/dent is not possible, only...
  15. jjnn

    Arts/Law at UNSW to USyd Arts/Law

    Same as any other way, via uac since it is external. But I don't think law is possible to transfer to at usyd. But call them to see. If you want to do law at usyd you are better off the postgraduate juris doctor degree at usyd but since you would have completed law at unsw, this would be...
  16. jjnn

    Transfers to Med/Dentistry

    A1P is correct but remember, external transfers to undergraduate med is highly unlikely. Its so low that you have a better chance at getting into Harvard then transferring to med externally. Basically, the course doesn't matter but the uni does. Try to study in a uni that has an undergraduate...
  17. jjnn

    Do unis care about participation in school events (carnivals) when considering accepting you

    Definitely not, except courses with an interview or portfolio, etc. Other then that the uni will never know whether you attended or missed school events because firstly they don't have the time to check every single student that has applied whether they attended or not and secondly they don't...
  18. jjnn

    Help with EAS

    Hi, I received EAS for alot for the disadvantages, but remember that you only get given a maximum of 5 points, no matter how many your eligible for, by UAC. Whether your applying to UNSW, USYD, or any where else, you will get given the same bonus points by uac. Basically, UAC will look at your...
  19. jjnn

    Year 10 Subject Selection

    Hi, I did my HSC in 2017, last year, and I realised how important scaling subjects are juxtaposing with what your actually good at. In regards to your preferences in those 3 subjects, I assume your very sufficient in essay writing, as many others have replied in this forum. In terms of scaling...
  20. jjnn

    How to stop comparing my marks to others?

    Hello, I agree with cherryboi. NEVER COMPARE YOURSELF WITH OTHER. A way to never compare yourself is block all the words that come out of the people in your class that get good marks. Try and talk to your friend next to you as you receive your paper to lure your focus away from your peers...