If you're getting 53/70 why aren't you doing ext 2? I only got 47/70 and do ext 2.. That was way below my expectations though. And yes, it will just be half of what it was if it was worth 2 units.
I know these are constantly being asked. But after looking at carrotsticks solutions I'm pretty much certain I got 47/70. Any idea what reported exam mark for that would be?
Asymptotes x=2 x=-2 and y=0 (the x axis). As x went to infintity y approached zero from below as x went to negative infinity x approached zero from above and the bit between x=-2 and x=2 looked sort of like y=x^3 but the inflection point was not horizontal.
Fairly easy paper ran out of time by heaps ffs. Wasted heaps of time on the rate of change question because I misread the question and it wouldn't work out for me.. Came home and did it easily :(
Wait didyou have different booklets for different exams? Ours were all the same and you just wrote on the frotnt what exam and question number you were doing..
Could anyone out there with a bit of exam knowledge tell me what 40/100 would scale to? That would be the minimum mark I got but I don't think I got over 50.
I think we shouldn't overlook past themes. Relationships was repeated so who says places or time couldn't be. Time is probably unlikely but who knows. As for the speech rumors.. Probably false but I'm fucked if it's true haha! Who am I kidding I'm fucked anyway. I'm doing advanced and hoping for...
Hey guys,
In a lot of the past HSC integration questions I've done/looked at they seem to give you the tip off that you need to use the partial fractions method if it is required. (They might begin with "Find values of A, B and C such that Ax+B/... + C/... = ..."). Have any of you ever seen an...