Is graphing counted as conics.. they r different topics.
Anyway the friday class at kurt just started complex numbers
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Nah i get u. Sometimes particular theads on this forum can be quite addicting.
For those of u having issues with fb, change it to a computer generated password, write it down and give it to ur parents. That way u only use it when u rlly need to KD
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Yeh took me a solid age to get notes done. Greater part of an entire week during the hols. Impressive that u write out model responses to long response questions 20 times each tho lol
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Did u make notes? Or jst rote memrose. How do u do that i can only.memorise when i process and synthesise informatiom frm textbooks into my own words
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Dude my bio teacher jst puts on utube vids during class and writes useless stff on the board. Knew nothing when it came to exam time had to make notes using 3 textbooks.T_T
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What r u guys doing atm? I finished emma and am now doing creative writing. Emma was such a bore didnt even read the book. But creatves are alot more tolerable
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Dontt u have any subs in which the teacher os fast and engaging? My english teacher full raps out all the info on othello cant even type that fast so i jjst record with phone. But she always picks on random ppl to answer her questions so u dont dare space out
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Tbh i dont daydream but i jst zone out. Like im stoned or smth. I usually just talk to friends about work to keep me occupied on work. Meanwhile in biology... lmao teacher has worst class management
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Idek do coffee or energy drinks work for u? Alot of my friends tend to drink mother or smth similar before turoring classes.
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Deleted snap u nong. Not worth checking dem KD.
But before this thread turns to snapchat names, dont eat recess. That way ur so hungry u cant fall.asleep. good method can confirm i eat nothing on fridays
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