how long? about a monthish give or take and I will know if she dumps him because im going to be there (she isnt going to tell him he is being dumped for me though) and yes things are going my way, and i like it.
ok, I'm going to put this as breifly as possiable. She was living with her mum and we went out for 11 and a half months. Her dad moved and she went with him. We still called each other nearly every night and wrote letters etc. She got a boyfriend for two weeks, and now she is moving back with...
well...-.- she has been with him for two weeks she has been "leading me on" (as you put it) for 4 days. We went out for 11 and a half months a while back, but we broke up because she moved, but now she has moved back (her mum/dads house)
its complicated lol...the simple version? She has a boyfriend, and she doesnt want to cheat, I'm single and want to go out with her, and she wants to go out with me. So we are with each other like all the time, but not kissing each other or anything unfortunately=[
I'm not sure about you lot, but I always wonder whats better. At first I was like oh cmon, relationships, but then when I thought about it, most times you end up with something that makes you say "love sucks". Hook up's on the other hand...well the other person could thing there was something...