re: HSC Chemistry Marathon Archive
Err Hydronium ions cannot donate 3 protons....Hydronium ions are formed when a proton is donated into the medium (being water) in which it reacts with H2O, forming a coordinate covalent bond. Later on you learn that H+ ions do not usually exist in aqueous...
re: HSC Chemistry Marathon Archive
A conjugate base is the resultant compound of an acid that has donated a proton to a proton acceptor.
...would that get it? lol
re: HSC Chemistry Marathon Archive
Dont forget diammonium phosophate for nutrients, pH of around 3.7-4.6 to prevent microbial growth, presence of sulfur dioxide in solution 30-50 ppm also to prevent microbial growth, oxygen is not kept low but absent (hence anaerobic fermentation) if oxygen...
Yep, YunLi should be correct (got the same answer as him :3)
To OP - For these questions:
1. Write the balanced Equations of which the compounds dissociate/ionise in to H+/OH- ions.
2. Find the moles of H+ and OH-.
3. Find the Remaining moles of ions present after neutralisation. (just minus...
Medicine in Usyd only requires 99.95 atar combined degree (unless with music, which is slightly lower at 99.55 I think or special considerations) and you just have to pass the interview as well. During the HSC this should give you sufficient motivation.
I'm assuming you mean the denaturing of catalysts, but that condition is within the syllabus. under "describe conditions under which fermentation of sugars is promoted" where this is one of the main conditions that prevents the fermentation reaction undergoing completion.
Theoretically speaking (without any limits on the certain strain of enzyme used to catalyse the reaction), yes the yield of ethanol would increase. However in practical situation, it would increase the rate of yield of ethanol, however the overall yield will be almost the same as for the...
Theoretically speaking (without any limits on the certain strain of enzyme used to catalyse the reaction), yes the yield of ethanol would increase. However in practical situation, it would increase the rate of yield of ethanol, however the overall yield will be almost the same as for the...
Congratulations on making it to the oldest selective school in Australia! Tbh you should you should definitely accept the offer if you want to maximise your atar (cohort wise it would be generally stronger than your current school I believe, hence the higher ranking-no offence or anything). And...
For the past few days (specifically 17-19/12/14):
Work progress is painfully slow >.< but this is what i've managed to do:
Read and analyse Act 1 Scene 1 of Richard III
Read 30 pages of prescribed module C Brooklyn
Mostly finished Cambridge Exercise 11E and 11F
and now working on Biology and...
Do not rely on your school to carry you all the way into the 90s, you at least have to make an effort as last rank in all subjects results in your marks being an outlier = no cohort "scaling" (alignment) to carry your marks, hence even though if you are in a school rank first it is still very...
Sorry all, just have been bombarded assessment after assessment, and tomorrow currently have 3u maths then on Friday I have both a viva voce for english + a creative, I'll be visitinh BOS more often after this exam period :)
As a fellow student I advise that the amount of sleep should be greater than your workload, at least around 8 hours cause it really helps you absorb information in class. Also make the schedule realistic and both enjoying for you as well as less strenuous, because at the moment (not being a...