Both your definitions are good, try combinr them so like: soaponification is a hydrolysis reaction of a triester/triglyceride in alkaline conditions due to the presence of hydroxide ions. The hydrolysis of the triester produces glycerol and the fatty acid soap molecule which is precipitated with...
I'd say make an equal amount of both (a tad more effort to the assessment side) cause if you start to neglect the note making part, it starts to pile up alot. And when it comes to the exams where you require notes etc to study (more efficiently), it'll be like me during my prelims: 6 am...
Link says page not found lel xD, but thanks for the tips green tree frog :3 Btw could you give us some tips on how to improve english, well like what was your way of studying and improve your ranks?
haha thanks! And I do have a few questions :3 -
- How do you maintain motivation consistently? Cause for me it's really mountainous. One minute, so pumped to achieve my aims and goals; next minute brain goes HSCeebs, let's go to sleep now, sleeeeeep so yea, productivity fluctuates like crazy...
Assuming this is something like a 2 marker.
The exothermic nature of sulfuric acid is due to the difference between the amount of energy required to break the bonds and the resultant energy released from the formation of the products. Sulfuric acid is much more stable in ionised form...
Bend over and take it like a "man" xD
Lol but in all seriousness just in the mean time, don't damage your laptop so that you'd have to return it to get it fixed. Attempt to lie low till the HSC that's all.
Giant banner that completely replaces the BOS title page, and a really annoying popup informing you about the event WHENEVER you click on a link :3 lol jks probably needed more of the general community's interest (try incentives like cookies :3). Though I think I might have seen this post, I...