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  1. 1

    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    Hey leehuan. Yes, I am doing MATH1151. Do you mean the red booklet? I can't find the answers in the purple booklet anywhere....
  2. 1

    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    Thanks. There is this question that's been bugging me for a while now. \\\text{(a) A container in the shape of a right circular cone, of semi-vertical angle }\tan^{-1}{\frac{1}{2}}\text{,}\\\text{ is placed vertex downward with its axis vertical. Water is poured in at the rate of }10mm^{3}\text{...
  3. 1

    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    Thanks! Here's another one: \\\text{The function } f \text{ is differentiable at }a\text{. Find:}\\\\\lim_{h \rightarrow 0}\frac{f(a+ph)-f(a-ph)}{h}
  4. 1

    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    Thanks InteGrand! Any ideas on the other question?
  5. 1

    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    Thanks. I had one of my friends help me out with this one as I was already doing what you suggested. But it got all weird on the Right hand side (3/16). But how would you do this question? Especially sorting the RHS out. Also, I've got another question \text{The function...
  6. 1

    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    Right, thanks. I've got another one. \text{Using the Mean Value Theorem show that}\\\frac{4}{27}<3-23^{\frac{1}{3}}<\frac{3}{16}
  7. 1

    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    Sorry, my bad. It's fixed now!
  8. 1

    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    Hey everyone, I've got another question I'd like help with. It someone could help ASAP that would be great, as I have another Calculus test coming up next week. \text{Suppose that f is a continuous function in } \mathbb{R} \text{ and that}\lim_{x \rightarrow\infty}f(x) =\lim_{x...
  9. 1

    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    Thanks betelnut!
  10. 1

    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    Hey guys, just had another question: 6) Write down the sets of points corresponding to the following: a) A parallelogram with three vertices A(1,3,4,2), B(-2,1,0,5), C(-4,0,6,8). Assume B & C are adjacent to A b) The triangle with three vertices in part a of this question. c) All three...
  11. 1

    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    Alright, thanks!
  12. 1

    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    Oh, excuse my LaTex code, I'm still learning!
  13. 1

    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    Thanks! Also @InteGrand, Wouldn't this be correct, I just formed this augmented matrix: \begin{bmatrix}\left.\begin{matrix} 0& 1 & 1 & 2 & \\ 1& 2& 0& 1& \\ 3& 4&0 &1 & \\ 2&1 &3 &3 &\end{matrix}\right|\begin{matrix}A& \\ B& \\ C& \\ D& \end{matrix}\end{bmatrix} Reducing it to row...
  14. 1

    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    No, I'm afraid they don't give anything else with the question. I suppose they just want us to deduce if we would be able to find who was overstating their expenses supposing we knew the b values. BTW how do you use LaTex in the reply form?
  15. 1

    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    Got another question though: 5) You are an auditor for a company whose four executives make regular business trips on four routes and you suspect that at least one of the executives has been overstating her expenses. You don't know how much it costs to travel each route, but you know that it is...
  16. 1

    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    Wow thanks guys! Really appreciate it.
  17. 1

    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    Yep sure, here they are: 1) The rower must row 30 degrees upstream 2) 172 N 57 degrees E 3) Approximately 28 km N 51 degrees 9 minutes E from A 4) x = (0,1,0) + a(1,0,0) + b(0,6/5,1) for a,b in R I think the answer in 4 could be different and still correct...
  18. 1

    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    Hey Everyone: Here are a few additional questions I need help with, if anyone of you guys could help me that would be great: 1) A rower is rowing across a river. His rowing speed is 2km per hour and there is a current flowing in the river at 1km per hour. Find the direction that the rower must...
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    Please Help, Finance questions

    Thanks everyone for you replies! I ended up getting the questions!
  20. 1

    Please Help, Finance questions

    Hey everyone Got a few finance questions from here and there for FINS1613...If anyone could help that would be awesome! 1) An investment makes annual payments. the first payment of $270 is due in one year at t =1. Payments grow at a rate of 16% annually until t=14. Payments then are stable...