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  1. 1

    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    Ok thanks! I'll post some more questions soon, BTW got 100% in the online calculus test thanks to you! But there is another algebra + calculus test coming up in two weeks...:(
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    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    Thanks so much InteGrand. Just another question, for one sided limits, when we're asked to find lim(x->a+) f(x) or lim(x-->a-) f(x), are we meant to just calculate f(a) in both cases if it is defined, or are we meant to find f(a) and f(-a) respectively?
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    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    Thanks for your reply InteGrand, the hints were really helpful. However, I still couldn't figure out 9c. Like I got to the point where A'(t) = 1/2, but I couldn't think of a value of t to show C = 0. How do I do that? Also, I'd like your suggestion on these questions: Just part b of this one below
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    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    Thanks again, InteGrand, you're helping me so much! Really appreciate it! Just got a few more questions, if you don't mind. Also outta curiosity, how do you type those mathematical symbols on BoS? AND HOW R U SUCH A GOD AT MATHS? I mean, WHAT DO YOU DO?
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    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    Thanks for your reply...Any thoughts on the other questions?
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    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    I think it's the first time I've seen you offline when I'm writing in this thread. BTW, you were right about Question 4(b). I indeed did make a typo...thanks for picking that up. I still don't understand your explanation for question 5, as I believe the question asks for considering the limit...
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    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    Alright thanks, I've repped you, but I don't think it'll make much difference. I do have a few more questions though, if InteGrand or someone else would like to help:
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    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    Thanks again InteGrand. I have another question : To prove that g is the inverse function to f and not vice versa, do I need to state that "the domain of f --> [0,inf) doesn't fully lie in the domain of g --> [1,inf), so g is the inverse of f"? This is using the hint that they've given at the...
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    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    Thanks InteGrand, got a calculus test coming up from next week, so you're a life saver! BTW 4025808 yeah, it's from the Calculus Problems booklet that you receive And any of you know how to solve this one: A lighthouse containing a revolving beacon is located 3km from P, the nearest point on a...
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    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    Does anyone have any ideas on how to do the following question, I'm stumped...
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    UNSW rollcall 2016

    First Year Actuarial Studies/Commerce