Hmmm. I found this analysis quite interesting as you take the word 'lonely' as a different meaning where he is actually experience a sense of 'happiness' rather than the isolation which i interpret as. I may just be too linear though with my thinking as when i read this poem i feel that the...
I'm writing a speech and im using 'I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud' by William Wordsworth as my related text but i'm struggling to find all the techniques which can relate to belonging.
Heres the poem:
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and...
Pretty sure this is a dot point on the syllabus.
Anyways off top of my head:
Red blood cells
White blood cells
Plasma - (there is quite a few - go to the australian red cross site)
Only subject i've paid real attention in (along with biology and maths) as what i wanna do in the future as a career relates to food.
Def most interesting and worth keeping subject.
Was wondering do people wanna create a list of symbols, motif and/or quotes that in your opinion shows the concept of belonging/not belonging.
*I actually have nothing so far but will edit when i think of something.
Just found this poem but wondering do others think its a good related piece of material for Heart of Darkness particularly the "grove of death" scene?
I been scared and battered.
My hopes the wind done scattered.
Snow has friz me,
Sun has baked me,
Looks like between 'em they done
Tried to...
Ok my prelim test for extension english is on monday. But one of the question is an essay related to Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now and an ORM for each of them. I got an ORM for AN but i need one for Heart of Darkness. Can any1 help out?
I live in Port Stephens and i must say you cant expect too much. Be prepare to make your own entertainment/fun. But it might just be me since i've been here so long.
Well to be specific im trying to find a related piece of material for the scene when Marlow first arrives on the new continent and he sees all the slaves chained, some dead and some pointlessly blowing up the cliff. (Nicknamed this scene the Grove of Death)
Hello everyone.
Currently studying Heart of Darkness and Apocalyse Now in prelim ext eng 1 and i gotta find 2 piece of related material and i have absolutely no clue where to go from.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.