Melissa has successfully applied to private school at the same time she got promoted to school mascot in the Athletics career. She has $10,500 worth of scholarships and is ready for college.
Jeremy, sporting a black tank top and tatoos is taking a small break from the hectic college life...
I'm bored of my games and want to revive interest in Sims 2 again seeing as a few people have decided to take it up... now... after like 2 years since it was introduced. Anyways post up a blog style recount of your sim families and how they are doing.
So far I have only one family:
I don't know the problem but Sims 2 has a few bugs. More bugs come with each expansion.
Download the patch and read through the various bugs and you might find it listed at:
no bubblez i meant in terms of kissing it should be more passionate rather than slow get it? and yes i agree with you, i find it difficult to connect without kissing.
I doubt I've ever be in this situation but I believe kissing to be one of the most sexy and intimate acts. It's simple and gets me into it. This is cause I value kissing as an affectionate expression. However in this situation, if kissing is not hot and heavy, a is gentle and intimate, it is...
Watches are mechanical, not organic.
The universe in my opinion is chaotic but reaches an equilibrium is certain areas. You have to understand the larger picture of the universe as well as at the atomic level. The galaxies take millions of years to move whilst an atom charges at super fast...